Veiw seismic data (segy) window on an hourly basis.
view.seis(aday, ihour, inkhour, SAVEFILE, days,
DB, usta, acomp, STDLAB =c("QUIT", "NEXT", "PREV", "HALF"),
Graphical side effects and save.wpix stores appended picks.
index of which day to use in vector days
hour to start
increment in hours for viewing panel
file to save window picks in
vector of days to select from
data base list of file names and start-times and durations
stations to select
compnents to select
vector of buttons, DEFAULT = c("QUIT", "NEXT", "PREV", "HALF", "WPIX", "zoom out", "refresh", "restore", "SPEC", "SGRAM" ,"WLET", "FILT", "Pinfo", "WINFO")
Number of hours to add to GMT to get local time
Jonathan M. Lees<>
The program view.seis assumes the data is stored in files accessable by the user and that the DB list has been scanned in and parsed.
swig, save.wpix