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RSVGTipsDevice (version 1.0-7)

devSVGTips: A graphics device for SVG with dynamic tips and hyperlinks


This function starts up an SVG graphics device that will write to a file. The SVG shapes and text have optional tooltips and/or hyperlinks.


devSVGTips(file = "Rplots.svg", width = 7, height = 7, bg = "white", fg = "black", onefile=TRUE, xmlHeader=FALSE, useStyleAttributes=FALSE, toolTipMode = 1, toolTipFontSize = 10, toolTipOpacity = 1.0, title = "R SVG Plot", sub.special=TRUE)


the file where output will appear
The width of the plot in inches
the height of the plot in inches
the background color for the plot
the foreground color for the plot
merge plot calls into onefile or separate them to separate pages
Print XML header or not (it is recommended to not print a header)
Specify shape attributes in a style attribute or as plain attributes (plain attributes is recommended)
Mode of toop tips: 0 (no tool tips), 1, or 2 (number of lines of tool tip)
Size of font in tool tips (in points/pixels)
Opacity of toop tips: between 0 and 1. A value of 0.9 allows the image behind the tooltip to be seen, but can render slowly on some viewers
Title of plot
Unless sub.special=FALSE, special SVG characters (ampersand, less-than, etc.) in title will be substituted by the appropriate XML encoding, except for an ampersand followed by lower-case letters and then a semi-colon (if these substitutions are not made, it is easy to inadvertently create unusable SVG files)


This graphics do not appear in any window while they are being drawn -- SVG commands are written to a file and can be viewed in an SVG viewer after the plot is completed.

After the plot is completed, the function dev.off must be called to close the graphics device and flush all unwritten SVG commands to the file.

Text drawn on the graphic by commands like text() is subject to XML special characters being replaced by the corresponding XML encoding, except for an ampersand followed by lower-case letters and then a semi-colon. This behavior is NOT controlled by sub.special and there is currently no way to turn it off.

This device is not implemented as one that can do clipping. Thus, R commands like text will not draw the text if part of the text might be outside the plotting region. This can be the cause of legend (or other functions that call text) omitting text. The solution is to make sure that the text is drawn inside the plotting region, e.g., using commands like legend(..., inset=0.01). If text is not appearing, use par(xpd=NA), which will do the least clipping of text. The example plot svgplot13.svg in RSVGTipsDevice shows clipping that happens for various settings of par("xpd").

The clipping behavior can result in labels unexpectedly not appearing in lattice graphics. This can sometime be solved by making the region in which labels are drawn larger, e.g., by doing something like xyplot(strip.par.text=list(lines=2), ...).

See Also

SVG viewing Ways to view SVG files. Design and future of the RSVGTips device. Overview of the RSVGTips device (many more examples). setSVGShapeToolTip, setSVGShapeURL, getSVGToolTipMode, pictex, postscript, Devices.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# library("RSVGTipsDevice")
# devSVGTips("svgplot1.svg", toolTipMode=1,
#            title="SVG example plot 1: shapes and points, tooltips are title + 1 line")
# plot(c(0,10),c(0,10), type="n", xlab="x", ylab="y",
#      main="Example SVG plot with title+ 1 line tips (mode=1)")
# setSVGShapeToolTip(title="A rectangle", desc="that is yellow")
# rect(1,1,4,6, col='yellow')
# setSVGShapeToolTip(title="1st circle with title only")
# points(5.5,7.5,cex=20,pch=19,col='red')
# setSVGShapeToolTip(title="A triangle", desc="big and green")
# polygon(c(3,6,8), c(3,6,3), col='green')
# # no tooltips on these points
# points(2:8, 8:2, cex=3, pch=19, col='black')
# # tooltips on each these points
# invisible(sapply(1:7, function(x) {
#     setSVGShapeToolTip(title=paste("point", x))
#     points(x+1, 8-x, cex=3, pch=1, col='black')
# }))
# setSVGShapeToolTip(title="Text", desc="can have a tool tip too!")
# text(x=4, y=9, lab="Poke me!", col="blue")
# dev.off()
# # Not run in tests because uses the SemiPar package for the fuel.frame data
# # A plot of fuel mileage vs weight
# library("RSVGTipsDevice")
# library("SemiPar")
# data(fuel.frame)
# fuel.frame <- cbind(fuel.frame,
#     US=is.element(substring(fuel.frame$car.name, 1, 5),
#                   c("Buick", "Chevr", "Chrys", "Dodge", "Eagle",
#                     "Ford ", "Mercu", "Oldsm", "Plymo", "Ponti")))
# devSVGTips("mlgvswgt1.svg", height=5, width=7, toolTipMode=1,
#            title="Mileage vs Weight for autos, tooltips are title + 1 line")
# plot(fuel.frame$Weight, fuel.frame$Mileage, type="n", xlab="Weight",
# ylab="Miles per gallon", main="US cars in blue, imports in yellow")
# for (i in seq(len=nrow(fuel.frame))) {
#     setSVGShapeToolTip(title=fuel.frame[i,"car.name"],
#         desc=paste(fuel.frame[i, "Type"], ", disp=", fuel.frame[i,"Disp."]))
#     points(fuel.frame[i,"Weight"], fuel.frame[i,"Mileage"], pch=19,
#         cex=2, col=if (fuel.frame[i,"US"]) "blue" else "yellow")
# }
# dev.off()
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab