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RUnit (version 0.4.32)

textProtocol: Printing a plain text, HTML or JUnit-like XML version of an RUnit test run protocol.


printTextProtocol prints a plain text protocol of a test run. The resulting test protocol can be configured through the function arguments.

printHTMLProtocol prints an HTML protocol of a test run. For long outputs this version of the test protocol is slightly more readable than the plain text version due to links in the document. The resulting test protocol can be configured through the function arguments.

printJUnitProtocol prints a JUnit-style XML protocol of a test run. This feature is especially useful when running your RUnit tests through a continuous integration server that understands JUnit (like Jenkins). This machine-parseable output allows you to track errors over time, sort by execution time and similar useful tricks. To take advantage of this function, you have to have the XML package installed.

print prints the number of executed test functions and the number of failures and errors.

summary directly delegates the work to printTextProtocol.

getErrors returns a list containing the number of test functions, the number of deactivated functions (if there are any), the number of errors and the number of failures.


printTextProtocol(testData, fileName = "",
                    separateFailureList = TRUE,
                    showDetails = TRUE, traceBackCutOff = 9)
  printHTMLProtocol(testData, fileName = "",
                    separateFailureList = TRUE,
                    traceBackCutOff = 9,
                    testFileToLinkMap = function(x) x )
  printJUnitProtocol(testData, fileName = "")
  # S3 method for RUnitTestData
print(x, ...)
  # S3 method for RUnitTestData
summary(object, ...)


testData, x, object

objects of class RUnitTestData, typically obtained as return value of a test run.


Connection where to print the text protocol (printing is done by the cat command).


If TRUE a separate list of failures and errors is produced at the top of the protocol. Otherwise, the failures and errors are only listed in the details section.


If TRUE the protocol contains a detailed listing of all executed test functions.


The details section of the test protocol contains the call stack for all errors. The first few entries of the complete stack typically contain the internal RUnit function calls that execute the test cases and are irrelevant for debugging. This argument specifies how many calls are removed from the stack before it is written to the protocol. The default value is chosen such that all uninteresting RUnit calls are removed from the stack if runTestSuite has been called from the console. This argument takes effect only if showDetails=TRUE.


This function can be used to map the full name of the test file to a corresponding html link to be used in the html protocol. By default, this is the identity map. See example below.


additional arguments to summary are passed on to the printTextProtocol() call.


Thomas König, Klaus Jünemann, Matthias Burger & Roman Zenka


The text protocol can roughly be divided into three sections with an increasing amount of information. The first section as an overview just reports the number of executed test functions and the number of failures and errors. The second section describes all test suites. Optionally, all errors and failures that occurred in some test suite are listed. In the optional third section details are given about all executed test functions in the order they were processed. For each test file all test functions executed are listed in the order they were executed. After the test function name the number of check<*> function calls inside the test case and the execution time in seconds are stated. In the case of an error or failure as much debug information as possible is provided.

See Also
