RUnit uses three options available via the global R options list
Options used in RUnit
logical flag, default FALSE, sets the 'silent' argument for
checkException. Allows to globally silence output from
exception checks for all test suites excuted in one run.
non-negative integer, default 1, 0: surpresses enclosing
begin/end messages for each test case, 1: output enclosing
begin/end messages for each test case
NULL, connection or character, default
NULL. If non-null has to be an open connection or a file name.
Will be used to redirect all output to specified file/connection
using sink. Connection is close after test suite execution
call (via runTestSuite or runTestFile) has completed.
If the file exists it is overwriten.
Matthias Burger
RUnit specif options are added to R's global options list on package
loading and removed again on pachage unloading.