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This functions computes expression differences between clusters and ranks genes by z-score differences.
diffgenes(object, cl1, cl2, mincount = 1)
A list with four components:
a vector of z-scores in decreasing order with genes up-regulated in cl1 appearing at the top of the list.
a data.frame with expression values for cells in cl1.
a data.frame with expression values for cells in cl2.
a vector of cluster numbers for cells in cl1.
a vector of cluster numbers for cells in cl2.
SCseq class object.
A vector of valid cluster numbers (contained in the cpart slot of the SCseq object). Represents the first group of the comparison.
A vector of valid cluster numbers (contained in the cpart slot of the SCseq object). Represents the second group of the comparison.
Minimal normalized expression level of a gene to be included into the analysis. A gene needs to be expressed at this level in at least a single cell.
sc <- SCseq(intestinalDataSmall) sc <- filterdata(sc) sc <- compdist(sc) sc <- clustexp(sc) sc <- findoutliers(sc) x <- diffgenes(sc,1,2) head(x$z) plotdiffgenes(x,names(x$z)[1])
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