This functions plots the dependence of the transcript count variance or, alternatively, the coefficient of variation (CV) on the mean in log2 space. The mean-variance dependence is plotted along with a loess-regression, a second order polynomial fit, and the background model of the local variability. The CV plot also highlights the local variability associated with cell-to-cell variability of total transcript counts, as calculated directly from the mean and variance of total transcript counts (turquoise) or from a local fit of a gamma distribution (orange).
plotMV(x, cv = FALSE, ret = FALSE, span = 0.75, degree = 2, ...)
If ret=FALSE
second order polynomial fit as returned by lm
Transcript count matrix.
Logical. If TRUE
then the coefficient of variation is plotted instead of the variance. Default is FALSE
Logical. If TRUE
then a second order polynomial fit is returned. Default is FALSE
Parameter for the local regression. See help(loess). Default value is 0.75.
Parameter for the local regression. See help(loess). Default value is 2.
Additional arguments for plot