The function returns an updated SCseq object with random forests votes written to slot out$rfvotes. The clustering
partition prior or post outlier identification (slot cluster$kpart or cpart, if parameter final equals FALSE
or TRUE, respectively) is overwritten with the partition derived from the reclassification.
SCseq class object.
Seed for enforcing reproducible results. Default is 12345.
Number of trees to be built. Default is NULL and the number of tree is given by the number of cells times nbfactor.
logical. If TRUE, then reclassification of cell types using out-of-bag analysis is performed based on the final clusters
after outlier identification. If FALSE, then the cluster partition prior to outlier idenitifcation is used for reclassification.
Positive integer number. See nbtree.
additional input arguments to the randomForest function of the randomForest package.