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RandomFields (version 3.0.10)

Others: Auxiliary and other Models


Here, auxiliary models are given that are not covariance functions or variograms, but which might be used within the definition of a model.


Implemented models

Distribution families See RR.

Evaluation operators See RF.

Random Fields / Random Processes See RP.

Shape functions Besides any of the covariance functions the following functions can be used as shape functions. ll{ RMangle defines an anisotropy matrix by angle and a diagonal matrix. RMball Indicator of a ball of radius $1/2$. RMeaxxa shape function used in the Bernoulli paper given in the references RMetaxxa shape function used in the Bernoulli paper given in the references RMpolygon Indicator of a typical Poisson polygon. RMrational shape function used in the Bernoulli paper given in the references RMrotat shape function used in the Bernoulli paper given in the references RMrotation shape function used in the Bernoulli paper given in the references RMsign random sign RMstrokorb spectral functions belonging to a tail correlation function of the Gneiting class $H_n$ RMtruncsupport truncates the support of a shape in a Poisson based model }

Other models ll{ RMcoord passing new coordinates in a mixed model RMuser User defined covariance model }

See Also

RFformula, RMmodels, RMmodelsAdvanced


Run this code
type <- c("tail correlation function",
          "positive definite",
          "negative definite",
          "method for Gauss processes",
          "method for Brown-Resnick processes",
          "shifted shape function",
          "distribution family",
          "shape function",
RFgetModelNames(type=type, group.by="type")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab