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RandomFields (version 3.0.32)

Constants: Constants used in RandomFields


Several constants are provided that might make the use of some functions easier, e.g. RFgetModelNames



  • RC_TYPE = c("tail correlation function", "positive definite", "negative definite", "process", "method for Gauss processes", "method for Brown-Resnick processes", "shifted shape function", "distribution family", "shape function", "trend", "interface", "undefined", "other type")

    RC_DOMAIN = c("single variable", "kernel", "framework dependent", "mismatch")

    RC_ISOTROPY = c("isotropic", "space-isotropic", "zero-space-isotropic", "vector-isotropic", "symmetric", "cartesian system", "earth system", "spherical system", "cylinder system", "non-dimension-reducing", "parameter dependent", "")

    RC_MONOTONE = c("mismatch in monotonicity", "submodel dependent monotonicity", "previous model dependent monotonicity", "parameter dependent monotonicity", "not monotone", "monotone", "Gneiting-Schaback class", "normal mixture", "completely monotone", "Bernstein") RC_ISOTROPIC gives the numerical code for option "isotropic"

    RC_SPACEISOTROPIC gives the numerical code for option "space-isotropic"

    RC_CARTESIAN_COORD gives the numerical code for option "cartesian system"

See Also

RF, RM, RP, RR, RFgetModelNames, RMmodelgenerator-class, RMtrafo


Run this code
RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab