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RandomFields (version 3.0.32)

RFfunction: Evaluation operators


Here, those RF_name_ commands are listed that are implemented as operators on the class of RMmodel.

This is an advanced topic which refers to the internal representation of models


Implemented model

ll{ RFcov assigns to a covariance model the covariance values at given locations RFcovmatrix assigns to a covariance model the cross covariance values at given locations RFcrossvalidate performs a cross validation RFfctn assigns to a covariance model the value of the function at given locations RFdistr generic function assigning to distribution family various characteristics of the distribution RFratiotest performs a likelihood ratio test RFpseudovariogram assigns to a model the values of the pseudo variogram at given locations RFsimulate simulation of random fields RFvariogram assigns to a model the values of the (cross-)variogram at given locations }

See Also

RC, RM, RP, RR, RMmodelgenerator


Run this code
RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again
z <- RFsimulate(model=RMexp(), 1:10)
str(RFgetModel(RFsimulate, show.call = TRUE))
str(RFgetModel(RFsimulate, show.call = FALSE))

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