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RandomFields (version 3.0.35)

RFfunction: Evaluation operators


Here, all the RF_name_ commands are listed.


Models that are treated internally as operators on <code><a href="/link/RMmodels?package=RandomFields&version=3.0.35" rd-options="" data-mini-rdoc="RandomFields::RMmodels">RMmodels</a></code>

The users RMmodel is supplemented internally by operators that are tacitely assumed, e.g. RPgauss.

Further completions of the user's model determine what should be done with the model, e.g. calculation RFcov. The following list gives those RFfunctions that have an internal represenation as completion to the user's model. ll{ RFcov assigns to a covariance model the covariance values at given locations RFcovmatrix assigns to a covariance model the cross covariance values at given locations RFfctn assigns to a covariance model the value of the function at given locations RFdistr generic function assigning to distribution family various characteristics of the distribution RFpseudovariogram assigns to a model the values of the pseudo variogram at given locations RFsimulate simulation of random fields RFvariogram assigns to a model the values of the (cross-)variogram at given locations }

Estimation and Inference

ll{ RFcrossvalidate cross validation for Gaussian fields RFempiricalvariogram empirical variogram RFfit (maximum likelihood) fitting of the parameters RFinterpolate 'kriging' and 'imputing' RFratiotest likelihood ratio test for Gaussian fields }

Graphics for Gaussian fields

ll{ RFgui educational tool for * manual selection of a covariance model * manual fitting to the empirical variogram RFfractaldim determination of the fractal dimension RFhurst determination of the Hurst effect (long range dependence) }

Coordinate transformations

ll{ RFearth2cartesian transformation of earth coordinates to cartesian coordinates RFearth2dist transformation of earth coordinates to Euclidean distances }

Information from and to RandomFields

ll{ RFgetMethodNames currently implemented list of simulation methods RFgetModel returns the model used in a RFfunction, with some more details on the implementation, including the default values of the arguments of the model RFgetModelInfo similar to RFgetModel, but with detailed information on the implementation RFgetModelNames lists the implemented models RFoptions options of package RandomFields }

See Also

RC, RM, RP, RR, RMmodelgenerator


Run this code
RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

z <- RFsimulate(model=RMexp(), 1:10)
RFgetModel(RFsimulate, show.call = TRUE)  # user's definition
RFgetModel(RFsimulate, show.call = FALSE) # main internal part


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