RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
## RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again
## first simulate some data with a sine and a mean as trend
repet <- 100
if(RFoptions()$internal$examples_reduced){warning("reduced 'repet'"); repet <- 3}
x <- seq(0, pi, len=10)
trend <- 2 * sin(R.p(new="isotropic")) + 3
model <- RMexp(var=2, scale=1) + trend
data <- RFsimulate(model, x=x, n=repet)
## now, let us estimate variance, scale, and two parameters of the trend
model2 <- RMexp(var=NA, scale=NA) + NA * sin(R.p(new="isotropic")) + NA
if(RFoptions()$internal$examples_reduced){warning("reduced 'repet'"); model2 <- RMexp(var=NA) + NA * sin(R.p(new="isotropic")) + NA}
print(RFfit(model2, data=data))
## model2 can be made explicite by enclosing the trend parts by
## 'RMtrend'
model3 <- RMexp(var=NA, scale=NA) + NA *
RMtrend(sin(R.p(new="isotropic"))) + RMtrend(NA)
print(RFfit(model2, data=data))
## IMPORTANT: substraction is not a way to combine definite models
## with trends
trend <- -1
(model0 <- RMexp(var=0.4) + trend) ## exponential covariance with mean -1
(model1 <- RMexp(var=0.4) + -1) ## same as model0
(model2 <- RMexp(var=0.4) + RMtrend(-1)) ## same as model0
(model3 <- RMexp(var=0.4) - 1) ## this is a purely deterministic model
## with exponential trend
plot(RFsimulate(model=model0, x=x, y=x)) ## exponential covariance
## and mean -1
plot(RFsimulate(model=model1, x=x, y=x)) ## dito
plot(RFsimulate(model=model2, x=x, y=x)) ## dito
plot(RFsimulate(model=model3, x=x, y=x)) ## purely deterministic model!
# Example 1: #
# Simulate from model with a plane trend surface #
#trend: 1 + x - y, cov: exponential with variance 0.01
model <- ~ RMtrend(mean=1, plane = c(1,-1)) + RMexp(var=0.04)
#equivalent model:
model <- ~ RMtrend(polydeg=1,polycoeff=c(1,1,-1)) + RMexp(var=0.4)
x <- 0:10
simulated0 <- RFsimulate(model=model, x=x, y=x)
# Example 2: Simulate and fit a multivariate geostatistical model
# Simulate a bivariate Gaussian random field with trend
# m_1((x,y)) = x + 2*y and m_2((x,y)) = 3*x + 4*y
# where m_1 is a hyperplane describing the trend for the first response
# variable and m_2 is the trend for the second one;
# the covariance function is the sum of a bivariate Whittle-Matern model
# and a multivariate nugget effect
x <- y <- 0:10
x <- y <- seq(0, 10, 0.1)
model <- RMtrend(plane=matrix(c(1,2,3,4), ncol=2)) +
RMparswm(nu=c(1,1)) + RMnugget(var=0.5)
multi.simulated <- RFsimulate(model=model, x=x, y=y)
# Fit the Gaussian random field with unknown trend for the second
# response variable and unknown variances
model.na <- RMtrend(plane=matrix(c(1, 2, NA, NA), ncol=2)) +
RMparswm(nu=c(1,1), var=NA) + RMnugget(var=NA)
fit <- RFfit(model=model.na, data=multi.simulated)
# Example 3: Simulation and estimation for model with
# arbitrary trend functions
# trend: 2*sin(x) + 0.5*cos(y), cov: spherical with scale 3
model <- ~ RMtrend(arbitraryfct=function(x) sin(x),
fctcoeff=2) +
RMtrend(arbitraryfct=function(y) cos(y),
fctcoeff=0.5) +
x <- seq(-4*pi, 4*pi, pi/10)
simulated <- RFsimulate(model=model, x=x, y=x)
################# ?? !!
#Estimation, part 1
# estimate coefficients and scale
model.est <- ~ RMtrend(arbitraryfct=function(x) sin(x), fctcoeff=1) +
RMtrend(arbitraryfct=function(y) cos(y), fctcoeff=1) +
estimated <- RFfit(model=model.est, x=x, y=x,
data=simulated@data, mle.methods="ml")
# estimate coefficients and scale
model.est <- ~ RMtrend(arbitraryfct=function(x) sin(x)) +
RMtrend(arbitraryfct=function(y) cos(y)) +
estimated <- RFfit(model=model.est, x=x, y=x,
data=simulated@data, mle.methods="ml")
# Example 4: Simulation and estimation for model with
# polynomial trend
# trend: 2*x^2 - 3 y^2, cov: whittle-matern with nu=1,scale=0.5
model <- ~ RMtrend(arbitraryfct=function(x) 2*x^2 - 3*y^2,
fctcoeff=1) + RMwhittle(nu=1, scale=0.5)
# equivalent model:
model <- ~ RMtrend(polydeg=2, polycoeff=c(0,0,2,0,0,-3))
x <- 0:20
simulated <- RFsimulate(model=model, x=x, y=x)
# estimate nu and the trend term assuming that it is a polynomial
# of degree 2
model.est <- ~ RMtrend(polydeg=2) + RMwhittle(nu=NA, scale=0.5)
estimated <- RFfit(model=model.est, x=x, y=x,
data=simulated@data, mle.methods="ml")
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