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GSPSJ06: Fast and Exact Simulation of Large Gaussian Lattice Systems in R2


Here the code of the paper on ‘Fast and Exact Simulation of Large Gaussian Lattice Systems in R2’ is given.



  • Gneiting, T., Sevcikova, H., Percival, D.B., Schlather, M., Jiang, Y. (2006) Fast and Exact Simulation of Large Gaussian Lattice Systems in R2: Exploring the Limits. J. Comput. Graph. Stat., 15, 483-501.


Run this code
RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

## Figure 1 (pretty time consuming)
stabletest <- function(alpha, theta, size=512) {
  RFoptions(trials=1, tolIm = 1e-8, tolRe=0, force = FALSE,
            useprimes=TRUE, strategy=0, skipchecks=!FALSE,
  model <- RMcutoff(diameter=theta, a=1, RMstable(alpha=alpha))
  RFcov(dist=0, model=model, dim=2, seed=0)
  r <- RFgetModelInfo(modelname="RMcutoff", level=3)$internalq[5] # theor R
  x <- seq(0, r, by= r / (size - 1)) * theta
  err <- try(RFsimulate(x, x, model=RPcirculant(model), n=0))
  return(if (class(err) == "try-error") NA else r)

alphas <- seq(1.52, 2.0, 0.02) 
thetas <- seq(0.05, 3.5, 0.05)

m <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(thetas), ncol=length(alphas))
for (it in 1:length(thetas)) {
  theta <- thetas[it]
  for (ia in 1:length(alphas)) {
  alpha <- alphas[ia]
  cat("alpha=", alpha, "theta=", theta,"\n")
  m[it, ia] <- stabletest(alpha=alpha, theta=theta)
  if (is.na(m[it, ia])) break
  if (any(is.finite(m))) image(thetas, alphas, m, col=rainbow(100))

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