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RandomFields (version 3.1.16)

papers: Papers involving RandomFields and co-authored by M. Schlather


Here, an overview is given over the papers co-authored by M. Schlather that involve RandomFields.



  • Gneiting, T., Kleiber, W. and Schlather, M. (2010) Matern cross-covariance functions for multivariate random fields J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 105, 1167-1177.

    See GKS11 for the code.

  • Gneiting, T., Sevcikova, H., Percival, D.B., Schlather, M., Jiang, Y. (2006) Fast and Exact Simulation of Large Gaussian Lattice Systems in R2: Exploring the Limits. J. Comput. Graph. Stat., 15, 483-501.

    See GSPSJ06 for the code.

  • Scheuerer, M. and Schlather, M. (2012) Covariance Models for Random Vector Fields. Stochastic Models, 82, 433-451.

    See SS12 for the code.

  • Schlather, M. (2002) Models for stationary max-stable random fields. Extremes 5, 33-44.

    See S02 for the code.

  • Schlather, M. (2010) On some covariance models based on normal scale mixtures. Bernoulli, 16, 780-797.

    See S10 for the code.

  • Schlather, M., Malinowski, A., Menck, P.J., Oesting, M. and Strokorb, K. (2015) Analysis, simulation and prediction of multivariate random fields with package RandomFields. Journal of Statistical Software, 63 (8), 1-25, url = ‘http://www.jstatsoft.org/v63/i08/’,

    See ‘multivariate_jss’ for the vignette.

  • Strokorb, K., Ballani, F. and Schlather, M. (2014) In Preparation.

    See SBS14 for the code.

See Also

weather, GSPSJ06, SS12, S02, S10, jss14


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