RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
## RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again
my.legend <- function(lu.x, lu.y, zlim, col, cex=1) {
## uses already the legend code of R-1.3.0
cn <- length(col)
filler <- vector("character", length=(cn-3)/2)
legend(lu.x, lu.y, y.i=0.03, x.i=0.1,
legend=c(format(zlim[2], dig=2), filler,
format(mean(zlim), dig=2), filler,
format(zlim[1], dig=2)),
lty=1, col=rev(col),cex=cex)
my.arrows <- function(xy, z, r, thinning) {
startx <- as.vector(xy[,1] - r/2*z[as.integer(dim(z)[1]/3) + 1,,])
starty <- as.vector(xy[,2] - r/2*z[as.integer(dim(z)[1]/3) + 2,,])
endx <- as.vector(xy[,1] + r/2*z[as.integer(dim(z)[1]/3) + 1,,])
endy <- as.vector(xy[,2] + r/2*z[as.integer(dim(z)[1]/3) + 2,,])
startx[c(rep(TRUE, thinning), FALSE)] <- NA
starty[c(rep(TRUE, thinning), FALSE)] <- NA
endx[c(rep(TRUE, thinning), FALSE)] <- NA
endy[c(rep(TRUE, thinning), FALSE)] <- NA
arrows(x0=startx, y0=starty, x1=endx, y1=endy, length=0.03)
x <- c(-3, 3, 0.049)
nu <- 3
col <- grey(seq(0, 1, 0.01))
thinning <- 21
length.arrow <- 1.5 / thinning
seed <- .Random.seed
eps <- FALSE # true falls eps/pdf drucken
\dontshow{if(RFoptions()$internal$examples_red){warning("modified 'x'"); x <- c(-3, 3, 0.5)}}
for (modelname in c("divfree", "curlfree")) {
cat(modelname, "\n")
model <- list(modelname, list("matern", nu=nu))
xx <- seq(x[1], x[2], x[3])
if (!eps) {
cf <- RFcov(model=model, x=cbind(xx, 0))
do.call(getOption("device"), list(height=5, width=5))
j <- 3
plot(xx, cf[(j-1) * length(xx) + (1 : length(xx)), j])
.Random.seed <- seed
z <- RFsimulate(x, x, model=model, n=1, CE.trial=2,
Stor=TRUE, me="ci", print=3, CE.force=!TRUE)
## z[1,,] : Potentialfeld
## z[2:3,,] : vectorfeld
## z[4,,] : div bzw. rot
if (eps) {
ScreenDevice(height=5, width=5)
} else {
ScreenDevice(height=5, width=10)
par(mar=c(2.2,2.5,0.5,0.5), cex.axis=2, bg="white")
for (no.vectors in c(TRUE,FALSE)) for (i in c(1,2,4)) {
## image i=1: Potential feld + Vektorfeld
## image i=4: div/rot feld + Vektorfeld
if (i==1 || i==4) {
image(xx, xx, col=col, z[i,,] )
if (no.vectors)
my.legend(max(xx) - 0.3 * diff(range(xx)),
min(xx) + 0.3 * diff(range(xx)),
zlim=range(z[i,,]), col=col, cex=1.5)
} else plot(Inf, Inf, xlim=range(xx), ylim=range(xx))
if (!no.vectors || i!=1 && i!=4) {
xy <- as.matrix(expand.grid(xx, xx))
my.arrows(xy, z, length.arrow, thinning)
if (all(par()$mfcol==1)) {
name <- paste(modelname, "_", nu, "_", !no.vectors, "_", i, sep="")
dev.copy2eps(file=paste(name, ".eps", sep=""))
dev.copy2pdf(file=paste(name, ".pdf", sep=""))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab