The ranks have to be given to the package in the ranking notation (see convertRank function),
with the following convention:
- missing positions are replaced by 0
- tied are replaced by the lowest position they share"
The ranking representation r=(r_1,...,r_m) contains the
ranks assigned to the objects, and means that the ith
object is in r_ith position.
The ordering representation o=(o_1,...,o_m) means that object
o_i is in the ith position.
Let us consider the following example to illustrate both
notations: a judge, which has to rank three holidays
destinations according to its preferences, O1 =
Countryside, O2 =Mountain and O3 = Sea, ranks first Sea,
second Countryside, and last Mountain. The ordering
result of the judge is o = (3, 1, 2) whereas the ranking
result is r = (2, 3, 1).