summarySandwich: Linear Model Summary with Sandwich Standard Errors
summarySandwich creates a summary of a "lm" object similar to the standard one,
with sandwich estimates of the coefficient standard errors in the place of the usual OLS standard errors,
also modifying as a consequence the reported t-tests and p-values for the coefficients.
Standard errors may be computed from a heteroscedasticity-consistent ("HC") covariance matrix for the
coefficients (of several varieties), or from a heteroscedasticity-and-autocorrelation-consistent ("HAC") covariance matrix.
an object of class "summary.lm", with sandwich standard errors substituted for the
usual OLS standard errors; the omnibus F-test is similarly adjusted.
a linear-model object.
type of sandwich standard errors to be computed; see hccm
in the car package, and vcovHAC in the sandwich package, for details.