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Rcpp (version 0.12.14)

compileAttributes: Compile Rcpp Attributes for a Package


Scan the source files within a package for attributes and generate code as required. Generates the bindings required to call C++ functions from R for functions adorned with the Rcpp::export attribute.


compileAttributes(pkgdir = ".", verbose = getOption("verbose"))



Directory containing the package to compile attributes for (defaults to the current working directory).


TRUE to print detailed information about generated code to the console.


Returns (invisibly) a character vector with the paths to any files that were updated as a result of the call.


The source files in the package directory given by pkgdir are scanned for attributes and code is generated as required based on the attributes.

For C++ functions adorned with the Rcpp::export attribute, the C++ and R source code required to bind to the function from R is generated and added (respectively) to src/RcppExports.cpp or R/RcppExports.R. Both of these files are automatically generated from scratch each time compiledAttributes is run.

In order to access the declarations for custom Rcpp::as and Rcpp::wrap handlers the compileAttributes function will also call any inline plugins available for packages listed in the LinkingTo field of the DESCRIPTION file.

See Also

Rcpp::export, Rcpp::interfaces


Run this code
# Compile attributes for package in the current working dir
# }

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