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Rcrawler (version 0.1.9-1)

ContentScraper: ContentScraper




ContentScraper(Url, HTmlText, browser, XpathPatterns, CssPatterns,
  PatternsName, ExcludeXpathPat, ExcludeCSSPat, ManyPerPattern = FALSE,
  astext = TRUE, asDataFrame = FALSE, encod)



character, one url or a vector of urls of web pages to scrape.


character, web page as HTML text to be scraped.use either Url or HtmlText not both.


a web driver session, or a loggedin session of the web driver (see examples)


character vector, one or more XPath patterns to extract from the web page.


character vector, one or more CSS selector patterns to extract from the web page.


character vector, given names for each xpath pattern to extract, just as an indication .


character vector, one or more Xpath pattern to exclude from extracted content (like excluding quotes from forum replies or excluding middle ads from Blog post) .


character vector, one or more Css pattern to exclude from extracted content.


boolean, If False only the first matched element by the pattern is extracted (like in Blogs one page has one article/post and one title). Otherwise if set to True all nodes matching the pattern are extracted (Like in galleries, listing or comments, one page has many elements with the same pattern )


boolean, default is TRUE, HTML and PHP tags is stripped from the extracted piece.


boolean, transform scraped data into a Dataframe. default is False (data is returned as List)


character, set the weppage character encoding.


return a named list of scraped content


Run this code
#### Extract title, publishing date and article from the web page using css selectors
CssPatterns = c(".entry-title",".published",".entry-content"), astext = TRUE)

#### The web page source can be provided also in HTML text (characters)
txthml<-"<html><title>blah</title><div><p>I m the content</p></div></html>"
DATA<-ContentScraper(HTmlText = txthml ,XpathPatterns = "//*/p")

#### Extract post title and bodt from the web page using Xpath patterns,
#  PatternsName can be provided as indication.
DATA<-ContentScraper(Url ="http://glofile.com/index.php/2017/06/08/athletisme-m-a-rome/",
XpathPatterns=c("//head/title","//*/article"),PatternsName=c("title", "article"))

#### Extract titles and contents of 3 Urls using CSS selectors, As result DATA variable
# will handle 6 elements.
DATA<-ContentScraper(Url =urllist, CssPatterns = c(".entry-title",".entry-content"),
PatternsName = c("title","content"))

#### Extract post title and list of comments from a set of blog pages,
# ManyPerPattern argument enables extracting many elements having same pattern from each
# page like comments, reviews, quotes and listing.
DATA<-ContentScraper(Url =urllist, CssPatterns = c(".entry-title",".comment-content p"),
PatternsName = c("title","comments"), astext = TRUE, ManyPerPattern = TRUE)
#### From this Forum page  e extract the post title and all replies using CSS selectors
# c("head > title",".post"), However, we know that each reply contain previous Replys
# as quote so we need to exclude To remove inner quotes in each reply we use
# ExcludeCSSPat c(".quote",".quoteheader a")
DATA<-ContentScraper(Url = "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2334331.0",
CssPatterns = c("head > title",".post"), ExcludeCSSPat = c(".quote",".quoteheader"),
PatternsName = c("Title","Replys"), ManyPerPattern = TRUE)

#### Scrape data from web page requiring authentification
# replace \@ by @ before running follwing examples
# create a loggedin session
LS<-LoginSession(Browser = LS, LoginURL = 'https://manager.submittable.com/login',
   LoginCredentials = c('your email','your password'),
   cssLoginFields =c('#email', '#password'),
   XpathLoginButton ='//*[\@type=\"submit\"]' )
#Then scrape data with the session
     XpathPatterns = c('//*[\@id=\"submitter-app\"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[3]',
      '//*[\@id=\"submitter-app\"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]' ),
      PatternsName = c("Article","Title"), astext = TRUE, browser = LS )
                    browser = LS)
DATA<-ContentScraper(HTmlText = page$Info$Source_page,
     XpathPatterns = c("//*[\@id=\"submitter-app\"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[3]",
     "//*[\@id=\"submitter-app\"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]" ),
      PatternsName = c("Article","Title"),astext = TRUE )

To get all first elements of the lists in one vector (example all titles) :
VecTitle<-unlist(lapply(DATA, `[[`, 1))
To get all second elements of the lists in one vector (example all articles)
VecContent<-unlist(lapply(DATA, `[[`, 2))

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab