## =============================================================================
## EXAMPLE 1: O2 and OC consumption in sediments
## =============================================================================
# this example uses only the volume fractions
# in the reactive transport term
# Model formulation #
# Monod consumption of oxygen (O2)
O2.model <- function (t = 0, O2, pars = NULL) {
tran <- tran.1D(C = O2, C.up = C.ow.O2, D = D.grid,
v = v.grid, VF = por.grid, dx = grid)$dC
reac <- - R.O2*(O2/(Ks+O2))
return(list(dCdt = tran + reac))
# First order consumption of organic carbon (OC)
OC.model <- function (t = 0, OC, pars = NULL) {
tran <- tran.1D(C = OC, flux.up = F.OC, D = Db.grid,
v = v.grid, VF = svf.grid, dx = grid)$dC
reac <- - k*OC
return(list(dCdt = tran + reac))
# Parameter definition #
# Parameter values
F.OC <- 25 # input flux organic carbon [micromol cm-2 yr-1]
C.ow.O2 <- 0.25 # concentration O2 in overlying water [micromol cm-3]
por <- 0.8 # porosity
D <- 400 # diffusion coefficient O2 [cm2 yr-1]
Db <- 10 # mixing coefficient sediment [cm2 yr-1]
v <- 1 # advective velocity [cm yr-1]
k <- 1 # decay constant organic carbon [yr-1]
R.O2 <- 10 # O2 consumption rate [micromol cm-3 yr-1]
Ks <- 0.005 # O2 consumption saturation constant
# Grid definition
L <- 10 # depth of sediment domain [cm]
N <- 100 # number of grid layers
grid <- setup.grid.1D(x.up = 0, L = L, N = N)
# Volume fractions
por.grid <- setup.prop.1D(value = por, grid = grid)
svf.grid <- setup.prop.1D(value = (1-por), grid = grid)
D.grid <- setup.prop.1D(value = D, grid = grid)
Db.grid <- setup.prop.1D(value = Db, grid = grid)
v.grid <- setup.prop.1D(value = v, grid = grid)
# Model solution #
# Initial conditions + simulation O2
yini <- rep(0, length.out = N)
O2 <- steady.1D(y = yini, func = O2.model, nspec = 1)
# Initial conditions + simulation OC
yini <- rep(0, length.out = N)
OC <- steady.1D(y = yini, func = OC.model, nspec = 1)
# Plotting output, using S3 plot method of package rootSolve"
plot(O2, grid = grid$x.mid, xyswap = TRUE, main = "O2 concentration",
ylab = "depth [cm]", xlab = "", mfrow = c(1,2), type = "p", pch = 16)
plot(OC, grid = grid$x.mid, xyswap = TRUE, main = "C concentration",
ylab = "depth [cm]", xlab = "", mfrow = NULL)
## =============================================================================
## EXAMPLE 2: O2 in a cylindrical and spherical organism
## =============================================================================
# This example uses only the surface areas
# in the reactive transport term
# Model formulation #
# the numerical model - rate of change = transport-consumption
Cylinder.Model <- function(time, O2, pars)
return (list(
tran.1D(C = O2, C.down = BW, D = Da, A = A.cyl, dx = dx)$dC - Q
Sphere.Model <- function(time, O2, pars)
return (list(
tran.1D(C = O2, C.down = BW, D = Da, A = A.sphere, dx = dx)$dC - Q
# Parameter definition #
# parameter values
BW <- 2 # mmol/m3, oxygen conc in surrounding water
Da <- 0.5 # cm2/d effective diffusion coeff in organism
R <- 0.0025 # cm radius of organism
Q <- 250000 # nM/cm3/d oxygen consumption rate/ volume / day
L <- 0.05 # cm length of organism (if a cylinder)
# the numerical model
N <- 40 # layers in the body
dx <- R/N # thickness of each layer
x.mid <- seq(dx/2, by = dx, length.out = N) # distance of center to mid-layer
x.int <- seq(0, by = dx, length.out = N+1) # distance to layer interface
# Cylindrical surfaces
A.cyl <- 2*pi*x.int*L # surface at mid-layer depth
# Spherical surfaces
A.sphere <- 4*pi*x.int^2 # surface of sphere, at each mid-layer
# Model solution #
# the analytical solution of cylindrical and spherical model
cylinder <- function(Da, Q, BW, R, r) BW + Q/(4*Da)*(r^2-R^2)
sphere <- function(Da, Q, BW, R, r) BW + Q/(6*Da)*(r^2-R^2)
# solve the model numerically for a cylinder
O2.cyl <- steady.1D (y = runif(N), name = "O2",
func = Cylinder.Model, nspec = 1, atol = 1e-10)
# solve the model numerically for a sphere
O2.sphere <- steady.1D (y = runif(N), name = "O2",
func = Sphere.Model, nspec = 1, atol = 1e-10)
# Plotting output #
# Analytical solution - "observations"
Ana.cyl <- cbind(x.mid, O2 = cylinder(Da, Q, BW, R, x.mid))
Ana.spher <- cbind(x.mid, O2 = sphere(Da, Q, BW, R, x.mid))
plot(O2.cyl, O2.sphere, grid = x.mid, lwd = 2, lty = 1, col = 1:2,
xlab = "distance from centre, cm",
ylab = "mmol/m3", main = "tran.1D",
sub = "diffusion-reaction in a cylinder and sphere",
obs = list(Ana.cyl, Ana.spher), obspar = list(pch = 16, col =1:2))
legend ("topleft", lty = c(1, NA), pch = c(NA, 18),
c("numerical approximation", "analytical solution"))
legend ("bottomright", pch = 16, lty = 1, col = 1:2,
c("cylinder", "sphere"))
## =============================================================================
## EXAMPLE 3: O2 consumption in a spherical aggregate
## =============================================================================
# this example uses both the surface areas and the volume fractions
# in the reactive transport term
# Model formulation #
Aggregate.Model <- function(time, O2, pars) {
tran <- tran.1D(C = O2, C.down = C.ow.O2,
D = D.grid, A = A.grid,
VF = por.grid, dx = grid )$dC
reac <- - R.O2*(O2/(Ks+O2))*(O2>0)
return(list(dCdt = tran + reac, consumption = -reac))
# Parameter definition #
# Parameters
C.ow.O2 <- 0.25 # concentration O2 water [micromol cm-3]
por <- 0.8 # porosity
D <- 400 # diffusion coefficient O2 [cm2 yr-1]
v <- 0 # advective velocity [cm yr-1]
R.O2 <- 1000000 # O2 consumption rate [micromol cm-3 yr-1]
Ks <- 0.005 # O2 saturation constant [micromol cm-3]
# Grid definition
R <- 0.025 # radius of the agggregate [cm]
N <- 100 # number of grid layers
grid <- setup.grid.1D(x.up = 0, L = R, N = N)
# Volume fractions
por.grid <- setup.prop.1D(value = por, grid = grid)
D.grid <- setup.prop.1D(value = D, grid = grid)
# Surfaces
A.mid <- 4*pi*grid$x.mid^2 # surface of sphere at middle of grid cells
A.int <- 4*pi*grid$x.int^2 # surface of sphere at interface
A.grid <- list(int = A.int, mid = A.mid)
# Model solution #
# Numerical solution: staedy state
O2.agg <- steady.1D (runif(N), func = Aggregate.Model, nspec = 1,
atol = 1e-10, names = "O2")
# Plotting output #
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
plot(grid$x.mid, O2.agg$y, xlab = "distance from centre, cm",
ylab = "mmol/m3",
main = "Diffusion-reaction of O2 in a spherical aggregate")
legend ("bottomright", pch = c(1, 18), lty = 1, col = "black",
c("O2 concentration"))
# Similar, using S3 plot method of package rootSolve"
plot(O2.agg, grid = grid$x.mid, which = c("O2", "consumption"),
xlab = "distance from centre, cm", ylab = c("mmol/m3","mmol/m3/d"))
# }
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