Matrix of bootstrapped deviances corresponding to an array of reference-free cell-mixture decompositions
RefFreeCellMixArrayDevianceBoots(rfArray, Y, R=5, EPSILON=1E-9, bootstrapIterations=5)
list of RefFreeCellMix objects (e.g. from RefFreeCellMixArray)
Methylation matrix on which x was based
Number of bootstrapped vectors to return
Minimum value of variance (zero variances will be reset to this value)
Number of RefFreeCellMix iterations to use in bootstrap
Matrix (multiple vectors) of bootstrapped deviances corresponding to an array of reference-free cell-mixture decompositions,
used to determine optimal number of cell types. This function returns one bootstrapped vector.
The bootstrapped deviance is based on normal distribution applied to errors of Y after accounting for cell mixture effect, Mu Omega^T.
See RefFreeCellMixArray
for example.