<- system.file("Bib", "biblatexExamples.bib", package="RefManageR")
bib <- suppressMessages(ReadBib(
## author search, default is to use family names only for matching
bib[author = "aristotle"]
## Aristotle references before 1925
bib[author="aristotle", date = "/1925"]
## Aristotle references before 1925 *OR* references with editor Westfahl
bib[list(author="aristotle", date = "/1925"),list(editor = "westfahl")]
## Change some searching and printing options and search for author
old.opts <- BibOptions( = "authoryear", = "exact",
max.names = 99, first.inits = FALSE)
bib[author="Mart\u00edn, Jacinto and S\u00e1nchez, Alberto"]
BibOptions(old.opts) ## reset options
if (FALSE) {
## Some works of Raymond J. Carroll's <- system.file("Bib", "RJC.bib", package="RefManageR")
bib <- ReadBib(
## index by key
bib[c("chen2013using", "carroll1978distributions")]
## Papers with someone with family name Wang
length(SearchBib(bib, author='Wang', .opts = list( = "family")))
## Papers with Wang, N.
length(SearchBib(bib, author='Wang, N.', .opts = list( = "family.with.initials")))
## tech reports with Ruppert
##Carroll and Ruppert tech reports at UNC
length(bib[author='ruppert',bibtype="report",institution="north carolina"])
## Carroll and Ruppert papers since leaving UNC
length(SearchBib(bib, author='ruppert', date="1987-07/",
.opts = list( = "exact")))
## Carroll and Ruppert papers NOT in the 1990's
length(SearchBib(bib, author='ruppert', date = "!1990/1999"))
identical(SearchBib(bib, author='ruppert', date = "!1990/1999"),
SearchBib(bib, author='ruppert', year = "!1990/1999"))
table(unlist(SearchBib(bib, author='ruppert', date="!1990/1999")$year))
## Carroll + Ruppert + Simpson
length(bib[author="Carroll, R. J. and Simpson, D. G. and Ruppert, D."])
## Carroll + Ruppert OR Carroll + Simpson
length(bib[author=c("Carroll, R. J. and Ruppert, D.", "Carroll, R. J. and Simpson, D. G.")])
## Carroll + Ruppert tech reports at UNC "OR" Carroll and Ruppert JASA papers
length(bib[list(author='ruppert',bibtype="report",institution="north carolina"),
list(author="ruppert",journal="journal of the american statistical association")])
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