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ReporteRs (version 0.8.6)

addImage: Add an external image into a document object


Add an external image into a document object


addImage(doc, filename, ...)
"addImage"(doc, filename, bookmark, par.properties = parProperties(text.align = "center", padding = 5), width, height, ...)
"addImage"(doc, filename, width, height, par.properties = parProperties(text.align = "center", padding = 5), ...)
"addImage"(doc, filename, offx, offy, width, height, ...)


document object
"character" value, complete filename of the external image
further arguments passed to other methods
a character value ; id of the Word bookmark to replace by the image. optional. if missing, image is added at the end of the document. See bookmark.
paragraph formatting properties of the paragraph that contains images. An object of class parProperties. It has no effect if doc is a pptx object.
image width in inches
image height in inches
optional, x position of the shape (top left position of the bounding box) in inches. See details.
optional, y position of the shape (top left position of the bounding box) in inches See details.


a document object


Arguments width and height can be defined with functions png::readPNG, jpeg::readJPEG or bmp::read.bmp.

When document object is a pptx, width and height are not mandatory. By default, image is added to the next free 'content' shape of the current slide. See slide.layouts.pptx to view the slide layout.

If arguments offx and offy are missing, position is defined as the position of the next available shape of the slide. This dimensions can be defined in the layout of the PowerPoint template used to create the pptx object.

See Also

docx, pptx, bsdoc


Run this code
# get rlogo
img.file <- file.path( Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "doc", "html", "logo.jpg" )

# tests to use later
has_img <- file.exists( img.file )
has_jpeg <- requireNamespace("jpeg", quietly = TRUE)
has_wmf <- exists("win.metafile")
is_sunos <- tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "sunos"

# create a wmf file if possible
if( has_wmf ){
  win.metafile(filename = "image.wmf", width = 5, height = 5 )
  barplot( 1:6, col = 2:7)

# Image example for MS Word -------

doc <- docx()

if( has_img && has_jpeg ){
  dims <- attr( jpeg::readJPEG(img.file), "dim" )
  doc <- addImage(doc, img.file, width = dims[2]/72,
    height = dims[1]/72)

if( has_wmf ){
  doc <- addImage(doc, "image.wmf", width = 5, height = 5 )

writeDoc( doc, file = "ex_add_image.docx" )

# Image example for an HTML document -------

doc <- bsdoc()

if( has_img && has_jpeg ){
  dims <- attr( jpeg::readJPEG(img.file), "dim" )
  doc <- addImage(doc, img.file, width = dims[2]/72,
    height = dims[1]/72)

writeDoc( doc, file = "ex_add_image/example.html" )

# Image example for MS PowerPoint -------
if( !is_sunos ){

doc <- pptx()

if( has_img && has_jpeg ){
  doc <- addSlide( doc, "Title and Content" )
  dims <- attr( jpeg::readJPEG(img.file), "dim" )
  doc <- addImage(doc, img.file, width = dims[2]/72,
    height = dims[1]/72)
if( has_wmf ){
  doc <- addSlide( doc, "Title and Content" )
  doc <- addImage(doc, "image.wmf", width = 5, height = 5 )

writeDoc( doc, file = "ex_add_image.pptx" )


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab