# docx example ---------
doc.filename = "ex_paragraph.docx"
doc <- docx()
doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 1", level = 1 )
# Add "Hello World" into the document doc
doc = addParagraph(doc, "Hello Word", stylename = "Normal" )
doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 2", level = 1 )
# define some text
sometext = c( "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
"In sit amet ipsum tellus. Vivamus dignissim arcu sit amet faucibus auctor.",
"Quisque dictum tristique ligula.")
# add sometext with stylename BulletList
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = sometext, stylename="BulletList" )
doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 3", level = 1 )
# "My tailor is rich" with formatting on some words
pot1 = pot("My tailor", textProperties(color = "red" )
) + " is " + pot("rich", textProperties(shading.color = "red",
font.weight = "bold" ) )
# "Cats and dogs" with formatting on some words
pot2 = pot("Cats", textProperties(color = "red" ) ) +
" and " +
pot("dogs", textProperties( color = "blue" ),
hyperlink = "http://www.wikipedia.org/" )
# create a set of paragraphs made of pot1 and pot2
my.pars = set_of_paragraphs( pot1, pot2 )
# Add my.pars into the document doc
doc = addParagraph(doc, my.pars, stylename = "Normal" )
doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 4", level = 1 )
# define some text
text1 = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
text2 = "In sit amet ipsum tellus. Vivamus arcu sit amet faucibus auctor."
text3 = "Quisque dictum tristique ligula."
# define parProperties with list properties
ordered.list.level1 = parProperties(list.style = "ordered",
level = 1 )
ordered.list.level2 = parProperties(list.style = "ordered",
level = 2 )
# define parProperties with list properties
unordered.list.level1 = parProperties(list.style = "unordered",
level = 1 )
unordered.list.level2 = parProperties(list.style = "unordered",
level = 2 )
# add ordered list items
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text1,
par.properties = ordered.list.level1 )
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text2,
par.properties = ordered.list.level2 )
# add ordered list items without restart renumbering
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = c( text1, text2, text3),
par.properties = ordered.list.level1 )
# add ordered list items and restart renumbering
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = c( text1, text2, text3),
restart.numbering = TRUE, par.properties = ordered.list.level1 )
# add unordered list items
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text1,
par.properties = unordered.list.level1 )
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text2,
par.properties = unordered.list.level2 )
writeDoc( doc, file = doc.filename )
# bsdoc example ---------
doc.filename = "ex_paragraph/example.html"
options( "ReporteRs-fontsize" = 11 )
doc = bsdoc( )
doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 1", level = 1 )
# Add "Hello World" into the document doc
doc = addParagraph(doc, "Hello Word" )
doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 2", level = 1 )
# "My tailor is rich" with formatting on some words
pot1 = pot("My tailor", textProperties(color = "red" )
) + " is " + pot("rich", textProperties(shading.color = "red",
font.weight = "bold" ) )
# "Cats and dogs" with formatting on some words
pot2 = pot("Cats", textProperties(color = "red" ) ) +
" and " +
pot("dogs", textProperties( color = "blue" ),
hyperlink = "http://www.wikipedia.org/" )
# create a set of paragraphs made of pot1 and pot2
my.pars = set_of_paragraphs( pot1, pot2 )
# Add my.pars into the document doc
doc = addParagraph(doc, my.pars )
doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 3", level = 1 )
# define some text
text1 = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
text2 = "In sit amet ipsum tellus. Vivamus arcu sit amet faucibus auctor."
text3 = "Quisque dictum tristique ligula."
# define parProperties with list properties
ordered.list.level1 = parProperties(list.style = "ordered",
level = 1 )
ordered.list.level2 = parProperties(list.style = "ordered",
level = 2 )
# define parProperties with list properties
unordered.list.level1 = parProperties(list.style = "unordered",
level = 1 )
unordered.list.level2 = parProperties(list.style = "unordered",
level = 2 )
# add ordered list items
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text1,
par.properties = ordered.list.level1 )
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text2,
par.properties = ordered.list.level2 )
# add ordered list items without restart renumbering
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = c( text1, text2, text3),
par.properties = ordered.list.level1 )
# add ordered list items and restart renumbering
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = c( text1, text2, text3),
restart.numbering = TRUE, par.properties = ordered.list.level1 )
# add unordered list items
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text1,
par.properties = unordered.list.level1 )
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text2,
par.properties = unordered.list.level2 )
writeDoc( doc, file = doc.filename )
# pptx example -------
doc.filename = "ex_paragraph.pptx"
options( "ReporteRs-fontsize" = 24 )
doc = pptx( title = "title" )
# add a slide with layout "Title and Content"
doc = addSlide( doc, slide.layout = "Title and Content" )
doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 1" )
# Add "Hello World" into the document doc
doc = addParagraph(doc, "Hello Word" )
# add a slide with layout "Title and Content"
doc = addSlide( doc, slide.layout = "Title and Content" )
doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 2" )
# "My tailor is rich" with formatting on some words
pot1 = pot("My tailor", textProperties(color = "red" )
) + " is " + pot("rich", textProperties(shading.color = "red",
font.weight = "bold" ) )
# "Cats and dogs" with formatting on some words
pot2 = pot("Cats", textProperties(color = "red" ) ) +
" and " +
pot("dogs", textProperties( color = "blue" ),
hyperlink = "http://www.wikipedia.org/" )
# create a set of paragraphs made of pot1 and pot2
my.pars = set_of_paragraphs( pot1, pot2 )
# Add my.pars into the document doc
doc = addParagraph(doc, my.pars )
# Add my.pars into the document doc
doc = addParagraph(doc, my.pars, offx = 3, offy = 3,
width = 2, height = 0.5,
par.properties=parProperties(text.align="center", padding=0) )
# add a slide with layout "Title and Content"
doc = addSlide( doc, slide.layout = "Title and Content" )
doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 3" )
# "My tailor is rich" with formatting on some words
pot1 = pot("My tailor", textProperties(color = "red" )
) + " is " + pot("rich", textProperties(shading.color = "red",
font.weight = "bold" ) )
# "Cats and dogs" with formatting on some words
pot2 = pot("Cats", textProperties(color = "red" ) ) +
" and " +
pot("dogs", textProperties( color = "blue" ),
hyperlink = "http://www.wikipedia.org/" )
# create a set of paragraphs made of pot1 and pot2
my.pars = set_of_paragraphs( pot1, pot2 )
# Add my.pars into the document doc
doc = addParagraph(doc, my.pars,
par.properties=parProperties(text.align="center", padding=24) )
# add a slide with layout "Title and Content"
doc = addSlide( doc, slide.layout = "Title and Content" )
doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 1" )
# define some text
text1 = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
text2 = "In sit amet ipsum tellus. Vivamus arcu sit faucibus auctor."
text3 = "Quisque dictum tristique ligula."
# define parProperties with list properties
ordered.list.level1 = parProperties(list.style = "ordered",
level = 1 )
ordered.list.level2 = parProperties(list.style = "ordered",
level = 2 )
# define parProperties with list properties
unordered.list.level1 = parProperties(list.style = "unordered",
level = 1 )
unordered.list.level2 = parProperties(list.style = "unordered",
level = 2 )
# add ordered list items
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text1,
par.properties = ordered.list.level1 )
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text2, append = TRUE,
par.properties = ordered.list.level2 )
doc = addParagraph(doc, "This paragraph has no list attribute",
append = TRUE )
# add ordered list items without restart renumbering
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = c( text1, text2, text3),
append = TRUE, par.properties = ordered.list.level1 )
# add ordered list items and restart renumbering
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = c( text1, text2, text3),
append = TRUE, restart.numbering = TRUE,
par.properties = ordered.list.level1 )
# add unordered list items
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text1,
append = TRUE,
par.properties = unordered.list.level1 )
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = text2,
append = TRUE,
par.properties = unordered.list.level2 )
writeDoc( doc, file = doc.filename )
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab