Rank-based inference procedure analogous to the traditional (LS) reduced model test.
The full and reduced model dispersions are calculated.
The reduction in dispersion test, or drop test for short, has an asymptotic chi-sq
Simulation studies suggest using F critical values.
The p-value returned is based on a F-distribution with df1 and df2 degrees of freedom
where df1 is the difference in the number of parameters in the fits of fitF and fitR
and df2 is the residual degrees of freedom in the fit fitF.
Both fits are based on a minimization routine.
It is possible that resulting solutions are such that the fitF$disp > fitRdisp.
We recommend starting the full model at the reduced model fit as a way to avoid this situation.
See examples.
Checks to see if models appear to be proper subsets.
The space spanned by the columns of the reduced model design matrix should be a subset of the space spanned by the columns of the full model design matrix.