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Carries out a robust analysis of variance for a one factor design. Analysis is based on the R estimates.
oneway.rfit(y, g, scores = Rfit::wscores, p.adjust = "none",...)
full model fit from rfit
Standard Errors
First Index
Second Index
response vector
vector denoting group membership
n by 1 response vector
n by 1 vector representing group membership
an object of class 'scores'
adjustment to the p-values, argument passed to p.adjust
additional arguments
Joseph McKean, John Kloke
Carries out a robust one-way analysis of variance based on full model r fit.
Hettmansperger, T.P. and McKean J.W. (2011), Robust Nonparametric Statistical Methods, 2nd ed., New York: Chapman-Hall.
data(quail) oneway.rfit(quail$ldl,quail$treat)
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