getDefaultAttrs: Functions to generate and check global attribute lists
The getDefaultAttrs function can be used to generate a default
global attribute list for Graphviz. The checkAttrs function
can be used to verify that such a list is valid for use.
The layout method being used. Defaults to dot, and
see graphvizCapabilities()$layoutTypes for possible values.
An attribute list of graphviz attributes
The getDefaultAttrs function generates a four element list
(elements being graph, cluster, node and
edge). Contained in each is another list where the element
names correspond to attributes and the value is the value for that
attribute. This list can be used to set global attributes in
Graphviz, and the exact list returned by getDefaultAttrs
represents the values that are used as basic defaults.
The checkAttrs function can be used to verify that a global
attribute list is properly formed.