- baseUrl
a string specifying the baseUrl
for the labkey server
- folderPath
a string specifying the folderPath
- schemaName
a string specifying the schemaName
for the query
- sql
a string containing the sql
commands to be executed
- maxRows
(optional) an integer specifying the maximum number of rows to return. If no value is specified, all rows are returned.
- rowOffset
(optional) an integer specifying which row of data should be the first row in the retrieval.
If no value is specified, rows will begin at the start of the result set.
- colSort
(optional) a string including the name of the column to sort preceeded by a “+” or
“-” to indicate sort direction
- showHidden
(optional) a logical value indicating whether or not to return data columns that would
normally be hidden from user view. Defaults to FALSE if no value provided.
- colNameOpt
(optional) controls the name source for the columns of the output dataframe, with valid values of 'caption', 'fieldname', and 'rname'
See labkey.selectRows for more details.
- containerFilter
(optional) Specifies the containers to include in the scope of selectRows request. A value of NULL is equivalent to "Current". Valid values are
"Current": Include the current folder only
"CurrentAndSubfolders": Include the current folder and all subfolders
"CurrentPlusProject": Include the current folder and the project that contains it
"CurrentAndParents": Include the current folder and its parent folders
"CurrentPlusProjectAndShared": Include the current folder plus its project plus any shared folders
"AllFolders": Include all folders for which the user has read permission
- parameters
(optional) List of name/value pairs for the parameters if the SQL references underlying queries that are parameterized. For example, parameters=c("X=1", "Y=2").