pochMpfr(100, 4) == 100*101*102*103 # TRUE
a <- 100:110
pochMpfr(a, 10) # exact (but too high precision)
x <- mpfr(a, 70)# should be enough
(px <- pochMpfr(x, 10)) # the same as above (needing only 70 bits)
stopifnot(pochMpfr(a, 10) == px,
px[1] ==prod(mpfr(100:109, 100)))# used to fail
(c1 <- chooseMpfr(1000:997, 60)) # -> automatic "correct" precision
stopifnot(all.equal(c1, choose(1000:997, 60), tolerance=1e-12))
## --- Experimenting & Checking
n.set <- c(1:10, 20, 50:55, 100:105, 200:203, 300:303, 500:503,
699:702, 999:1001)
if(!Rmpfr:::doExtras()) { ## speed up: smaller set
n. <- n.set[-(1:10)]
n.set <- c(1:10, n.[ c(TRUE, diff(n.) > 1)])
C1 <- C2 <- numeric(length(n.set))
for(i.n in seq_along(n.set)) {
cat(n <- n.set[i.n],":")
C1[i.n] <- system.time(c.c <- chooseMpfr.all(n) )[1]
C2[i.n] <- system.time(c.2 <- chooseMpfr(n, 1:n))[1]
stopifnot(is.whole(c.c), c.c == c.2,
if(n > 60) TRUE else all.equal(c.c, choose(n, 1:n), tolerance = 1e-15))
cat(" [Ok]\n")
matplot(n.set, cbind(C1,C2), type="b", log="xy",
xlab = "n", ylab = "system.time(.) [s]")
legend("topleft", c("chooseMpfr.all(n)", "chooseMpfr(n, 1:n)"),
pch=as.character(1:2), col=1:2, lty=1:2, bty="n")
## Currently, chooseMpfr.all() is faster only for large n (>= 300)
## That would change if we used C-code for the *.all() version
## If you want to measure more:
measureMore <- TRUE
measureMore <- FALSE
if(measureMore) { ## takes ~ 2 minutes (on "lynne", Intel i7-7700T, ~2019)
n.s <- 2^(5:20)
r <- lapply(n.s, function(n) {
N <- ceiling(10000/n)
cat(sprintf("n=%9g => N=%d: ",n,N))
ct <- system.time(C <- replicate(N, chooseMpfr(n, n/2)))
list(C=C, ct=ct/N)
print(ct.n <- t(sapply(r, `[[`, "ct")))
hasSfS <- requireNamespace("sfsmisc")
plot(ct.n[,"user.self"] ~ n.s, xlab=quote(n), ylab="system.time(.) [s]",
main = "CPU Time for chooseMpfr(n, n/2)",
log ="xy", type = "b", axes = !hasSfS)
if(hasSfS) for(side in 1:2) sfsmisc::eaxis(side)
summary(fm <- lm(log(ct.n[,"user.self"]) ~ log(n.s), subset = n.s >= 10^4))
## --> slope ~= 2 ==> It's O(n^2)
nn <- 2^seq(11,21, by=1/16) ; Lcol <- adjustcolor(2, 1/2)
bet <- coef(fm)
lines(nn, exp(predict(fm, list(n.s = nn))), col=Lcol, lwd=3)
text(500000,1, substitute(AA %*% n^EE,
list(AA = signif(exp(bet[1]),3),
EE = signif( bet[2], 3))), col=2)
} # measure more
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