The finite-sample correction is based on empirical results obtained via
simulation studies.
Given some radius of a shrinking contamination neighborhood which leads
to an asymptotically optimal robust estimator, the finite-sample empirical
MSE based on contaminated samples was minimized for this class of
asymptotically optimal estimators and the corresponding finite-sample
radius determined and saved.
The computation is based on the saved results of these Monte-Carlo simulations.
H. Rieder (1994): Robust Asymptotic Statistics. Springer. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1007/978-1-4684-0624-5")
M. Kohl and H.P. Deigner (2010). Preprocessing of gene expression data by
optimally robust estimators. BMC Bioinformatics 11, 583.
finiteSampleCorrection(n = 3, r = 0.001, model = "locsc")
finiteSampleCorrection(n = 10, r = 0.02, model = "loc")
finiteSampleCorrection(n = 250, r = 0.15, model = "sc")