Returns an object of class `treeoutput' with the runinfo settings modified as specified.
The settings names in the runinfo component are:
RunNameRun name for the sampletrees run (Default="Run")
SeedInitial seed for sampletrees run. (Default=NA)
DataTypeThe type of the data file g=genotype h=haplotype. (Default="h")
DataFileThe name of the file containing the haplotype or genotype data. DEFAULT=NA
but the user must change this value before running sampletrees()
LocationFileThe name of the file containing the genomic locations (in base pairs)
of the SNP markers. Default=NA but the user must change this value before running sampletrees()
WeightFileThe name of the file containing the probabilities for sampling each of the 7
updates. Default=NA but the user must change this value before running sampletrees(). See setWeights for more information.
FocalPointThe location of the focal point. Default=NA but the user must change this value before running sampletrees()
ChainLengthHow long to run the chain. (Default=1000)
BurnInDiscard the first 'BurnIn' samples. (Default=100)
ThinningReturn output every 'Thinning'th sample. (Default=1)
InitialThetaInitial value for mutation rate theta. (Default=1)
MinThetaMinimum for Uniform prior for theta. (Default=0.0001)
MaxThetaMaximum for Univorm prior for theta. (Default=10)
InitialRhoInitial value for recombination rate rho. (Default=0.0004)
ScaleRhoScale parameter for gamma prior for rho. (Default=0.1)
ShapeRhoShape parameter for gamma prior for rho. (Default=1)
InitialTreeFileName for a file containing initial tree data for a run of
sampletrees. These are typically available from a previous run of sampletrees.
If DataType="g", initial haplotype configurations will be taken from this file
rather than one specified by InitialHaploFile. (Default=NA)
RandomTreeIndicates whether initial tree generated by randomly connecting
nodes. (Default=FALSE)
HaploFreqFileThe name of the file with the haplo frequency estimates to be
used only if DataType="g". See estimateHapFreqs() for more information. Default=NA
but user must change this value if DataType is 'g'.
InitialHaploFileName for an optional file containing
the initial haplotype configurations for the sampletrees run (optional if DataType="g").
Each row of this file corresponds to a haplotype, there are 2 rows/individual
and rows must be
in the same order as in DataFile. (Default=NA)
HaploListFileName for a optional file containing
a list of likely haplotypes (optional if DataType="g"). Each row corresponds to a haplotype.