## Not run:
# # [Example 1]
# # Distributions of Electrons on a Sphere Problem:
# # Given n electrons, find the equilibrium state distribution (of minimal Coulomb
# # potential) of the electrons positioned on a conducting sphere. This model is
# # from the COPS benchmarking suite. See http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~more/cops/.
# gofn = function(dat, n)
# {
# x = dat[1:n]
# y = dat[(n+1):(2*n)]
# z = dat[(2*n+1):(3*n)]
# ii = matrix(1:n, ncol = n, nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
# jj = matrix(1:n, ncol = n, nrow = n)
# ij = which(ii<jj, arr.ind = TRUE)
# i = ij[,1]
# j = ij[,2]
# # Coulomb potential
# potential = sum(1.0/sqrt((x[i]-x[j])^2 + (y[i]-y[j])^2 + (z[i]-z[j])^2))
# potential
# }
# goeqfn = function(dat, n)
# {
# x = dat[1:n]
# y = dat[(n+1):(2*n)]
# z = dat[(2*n+1):(3*n)]
# apply(cbind(x^2, y^2, z^2), 1, "sum")
# }
# n = 25
# LB = rep(-1, 3*n)
# UB = rep(1, 3*n)
# eqB = rep(1, n)
# ans = gosolnp(pars = NULL, fixed = NULL, fun = gofn, eqfun = goeqfn, eqB = eqB,
# LB = LB, UB = UB, control = list(outer.iter = 100, trace = 1),
# distr = rep(1, length(LB)), distr.opt = list(), n.restarts = 2, n.sim = 20000,
# rseed = 443, n = 25)
# # should get a function value around 243.813
# # [Example 2]
# # Parallel functionality for solving the Upper to Lower CVaR problem (not properly
# # formulated...for illustration purposes only).
# mu =c(1.607464e-04, 1.686867e-04, 3.057877e-04, 1.149289e-04, 7.956294e-05)
# sigma = c(0.02307198,0.02307127,0.01953382,0.02414608,0.02736053)
# R = matrix(c(1, 0.408, 0.356, 0.347, 0.378, 0.408, 1, 0.385, 0.565, 0.578, 0.356,
# 0.385, 1, 0.315, 0.332, 0.347, 0.565, 0.315, 1, 0.662, 0.378, 0.578,
# 0.332, 0.662, 1), 5,5, byrow=TRUE)
# # Generate Random deviates from the multivariate Student distribution
# set.seed(1101)
# v = sqrt(rchisq(10000, 5)/5)
# S = chol(R)
# S = matrix(rnorm(10000 * 5), 10000) %*% S
# ret = S/v
# RT = as.matrix(t(apply(ret, 1, FUN = function(x) x*sigma+mu)))
# # setup the functions
# .VaR = function(x, alpha = 0.05)
# {
# VaR = quantile(x, probs = alpha, type = 1)
# VaR
# }
# .CVaR = function(x, alpha = 0.05)
# {
# VaR = .VaR(x, alpha)
# X = as.vector(x[, 1])
# CVaR = VaR - 0.5 * mean(((VaR-X) + abs(VaR-X))) / alpha
# CVaR
# }
# .fn1 = function(x,ret)
# {
# port=ret%*%x
# obj=-.CVaR(-port)/.CVaR(port)
# return(obj)
# }
# # abs(sum) of weights ==1
# .eqn1 = function(x,ret)
# {
# sum(abs(x))
# }
# LB=rep(0,5)
# UB=rep(1,5)
# pars=rep(1/5,5)
# ctrl = list(delta = 1e-10, tol = 1e-8, trace = 0)
# cl = makePSOCKcluster(2)
# # export the auxilliary functions which are used and cannot be seen by gosolnp
# clusterExport(cl, c(".CVaR", ".VaR"))
# ans = gosolnp(pars, fun = .fn1, eqfun = .eqn1, eqB = 1, LB = LB, UB = UB,
# n.restarts = 2, n.sim=500, cluster = cl, ret = RT)
# ans
# # don't forget to stop the cluster!
# stopCluster(cl)
# ## End(Not run)
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