- mesh
Triangular mesh of class "mesh3d"
- tarface
Integer: set number of target faces.
- percent
Numeric: between 0 and 1. Set amount of reduction relative to
existing face number. Overrides tarface argument.
- edgeLength
Numeric: tries to decimate according to a target mean edge
length. Under the assumption of regular triangles, the edges are half as
long by dividing the triangle into 4 regular smaller triangles.
- topo
logical: if TRUE, mesh topology is preserved.
- quality
logical: if TRUE, vertex quality is considered.
- bound
logical: if TRUE, mesh boundary is preserved.
- optiplace
logical: if TRUE, mesh boundary is preserved (may lead to unwanted distortions in some cases).
- scaleindi
logical: if TRUE, decimatiion is scale independent.
- normcheck
logical: if TRUE, normal directions are considered.
- qweightFactor
numeric: >= 1. Quality range is mapped into a squared 01 and than into the 1 - QualityWeightFactor range.
- qthresh
numeric: Quality threshold for decimation process.
- boundweight
numeric: Weight assigned to mesh boundaries.
- normalthr
numeric: threshold for normal check in radians.
- silent
logical, if TRUE no console output is issued.