create platonic objects as triangular meshes
vcgSphere(subdivision = 3, normals = TRUE)vcgSphericalCap(angleRad = pi/2, subdivision = 3, normals = TRUE)
vcgTetrahedron(normals = TRUE)
vcgDodecahedron(normals = TRUE)
vcgOctahedron(normals = TRUE)
vcgIcosahedron(normals = TRUE)
vcgHexahedron(normals = TRUE)
vcgSquare(normals = TRUE)
vcgBox(mesh = vcgSphere(), normals = TRUE)
vcgCone(r1, r2, h, normals = TRUE)
subdivision level for sphere (the larger the denser the mesh will be)
if TRUE vertex normals are calculated
angle of the spherical cap
mesh to take the bounding box from
radius1 of the cone
radius2 of the cone
height of the cone