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RxCEcolInf (version 0.1-5)

AnalyzeWithExitPoll: Workhorse Function for Ecological Inference for Sets of R x C Contingency Tables When Incorporating a Survey such as an Exit Poll


This function (using the tuned parameters from TuneWithExitPoll) fits a hierarchical model to data from two sources: (i) ecological data and in which the underlying contigency tables can have any number of rows or columns, and (ii) data from a survey sample of some of the contingency tables. The user supplies the data and may specify hyperprior values. Samples from the posterior distribution are returned as an mcmc object, which can be analyzed with functions in the coda package.


AnalyzeWithExitPoll(fstring, rho.vec, exitpoll, data = NULL, 
	            num.iters = 1e+06, save.every = 1000, burnin = 10000, 
                    mu.vec.0 = rep(log((0.45/(mu.dim - 1))/0.55), mu.dim), 
                    kappa = 10, nu = (mu.dim + 6), psi = mu.dim, 
                    mu.vec.cu = runif(mu.dim, -3, 0), NNs.start = NULL,  
                    MMs.start = NULL, THETAS.start = NULL, sr.probs = NULL, 
                    sr.reps = NULL, keep.restart.info = FALSE, 
                    keepNNinternals = 0, keepTHETAS = 0, nolocalmode = 50, 
                    numscans = 1, Diri = 100, dof = 4, eschew = FALSE, 
                    print.every = 10000, debug = 1)



String: model formula of contingency tables' column totals versus row totals. Must be in specified format (an R character string and NOT a true R formula). See Details and Examples.


Vector of dimension \(I\) = number of contigency tables = number of rows in data: multipliers (usually in (0,1)) to the covariance matrix of the proposal distribution for the draws of the intermediate level parameters. Typically set to the vector output from TuneWithExitPoll.


Matrix of dimensions \(I\) = number of contingency tables = number of rows in data by (R * C) = number of cells in each contingency table: The results of a survey sample of some of the contingency tables. Must be in specified format. See Details.


Data frame.


Positive integer: The number of MCMC iterations for the sampler.


Positive integer: The interval at which the draws will be saved. num.iters must be divisible by this value. Akin to thin in some packages. For example, num.iters = 1000 and save.every = 10 outputs every 10th draw for a total of 100 outputed draws.


Positive integer: The number of burn-in iterations for the sampler.


Vector: mean of the (normal) hyperprior distribution for the \(\mu\) parameter.


Scalar: The diagonal of the covariance matrix for the (normal) hyperprior distribution for the \(\mu\) parameter.


Scalar: The degrees of freedom for the (Inverse-Wishart) hyperprior distriution for the SIGMA parameter.


Scalar: The diagnoal of the matrix parameter of the (Inverse-Wishart) hyperprior distribution for the SIGMA parameter.


Vector of dimension \(R*(C-1)\), where \(R\)(\(C\)) is the number of rows(columns) in each contigency table: Optional starting values for \(\mu\) parameter.


Matrix of dimension \(I\) x (\(R*C\)), where \(I\) is the number of contingency tables = number of rows in data: Optional starting values for the internal cell counts, which must total to the continency table row and column totals contained in data. Use of the default (randomly generated internally) recommended.


Matrix of dimension \(I\) x (\(R*C\)), where \(I\) is the number of contingency tables = number of rows in data: Optional starting values for the missing internal cell counts, which must total to the continency table row and column totals contained in data. By missing internal cell counts we mean the counts in the contigency tables not observed in the survey sample or exitpoll. Use of the default (randomly generated internally) recommended.


Matrix of dimension \(I\) x (\(R*C\)), where \(I\) is the number of contingency tables = number of rows in data: Optional starting values for the contingency table row probability vectors. The elements in each row of THETAS.start must meet \(R\) sum-to-one constraints. Use of the default (randomly generated internally) recommended.


Matrix of dimension \(I\) x \(R\): Each value represents the probability of selecting a particular contingency table's row as the row to be calculated deterministically in (product multinomial) proposals for Metropolis draws of the internal cell counts. For example, if R = 3 and row 2 of position sr.probs = c(.1, .5, .4), then in the third contingency table (correspoding to the third row of data), the proposal algorithm for the interior cell counts will calculate the third contingency table's first row deterministically with probability .1, the second row with probability .5, and the third row with probability .4. Use of default (generated internally) recommended.


Matrix of dimension \(I\) x \(R\): Each value represents the number of times the (product multinomial proposal) Metropolis algorithm will be attempted when, in drawing the internal cell counts, the proposal for the corresponding contingency table row is to be calculated deterministically. sr.reps has the same structure as sr.probs, i.e., position [3,1] of sr.reps corresponds to the third contingency table's first row. Use of default (generated internally) recommended.


Logical: Whether last state of the chain should be saved to allow restart in the same state. Restart function not currently implemented.


Positive integer: The number of draws of the internal cell counts in the contingency tables to be outputted. Must be divisible into num.iters. Use with caution: results in large RAM use even in modest-sized datasets.


Positive integer: The number of draws of the contingency table row probability vectors in the contingency tables to be outputted. Must be divisible into num.iters. Use with caution: results in large RAM use even in modest-sized datasets.


Positive integer: How often an alternative drawing method for the contigency table internal cell counts will be used. Use of default value recommended.


Positive integer: How often the algorithm to draw the contingency table internal cell counts will be implemented before new values of the other parameters are drawn. Use of default value recommended.


Positive integer: How often a product Dirichlet proposal distribution will be used to draw the contingency table row probability vectors (the THETAS).


Positive integer: The degrees of freedom of the multivariate \(t\) proposal distribution used in drawing the contingency table row probability vectors (the THETAS).


Logical: If true, calculation of certain functions of the interntal cell counts omits the two right-most columns instead of only the single right-most column. Not yet implemented.


Positive integer: If debug == 1, the number of every print.every\(th\) iteration will be written to the screen. Must be divisible into num.iters.


Integer: Akin to verbose in some packages. If set to 1, certain status information (including rough notification regarding the number of iterations completed) will be written to the screen.


An object of class mcmc suitable for use in functions in the coda package. Additional items, listed below, may be retrieved from this object, as detailed in the examples section.


Vector (integers) of length 2: number of saved simulations and number of automatically outputted parameters.


List: the first element NULL (currently not used), and the second element is a vector of the names of the automatically outputted parameters.


Vector of length \(I\) = number of contigency tables: The fraction of multivariate \(t\) proposals accepted in the Metropolis algorithm used to draw the THETAs (meaning the intermediate parameters in the hierarchy).


Vector of length \(I\) = number of contigency tables: The fraction of Dirichlet-based proposals accepted in the Metropolis algorithm used to draw the THETAs (meaning the intermediate parameters in the hierarchy).


Matrix: To draw from the conditional posterior of the internal cell counts of a contigency table, the Analyze function draws R-1 vectors of lenth C from multinomial distributions. In then calculates the counts in the additional row (denote this row as r') deterministically. This procedure can result in negative values in row r', in which case the overall proposal for the interior cell counts is outside the parameter space (and thus invalid). vld.multinom keeps track of the percentage of proposals drawn in this manner that are valid (i.e., not invalid). Each row of vld.multinom corresponds to a contingency table. Each column in vld.multinom corresponds to a row in the a contingency table. Each entry specifies the percentage of multinomial proposals that are valid when the specified contingency table row serves as the r' row. For instance, in position 5,2 of vld.multinom is the fraction of valid proposals for the 5th contingency table when the second contigency table row is the r'th row. A value of ``NaN'' means that Analyze chose to use a different (slower) method of drawing the internal cell counts because it suspected that the multinomial method would behave badly.


Matrix: Same as vld.multinom, except the entries represent the fraction of proposals accepted (instead of the fraction that are in the permissible parameter space).


Integer: Number of rows in each contingency table.


Integer: Number of columns in each contingency table.


mcmc: Draws of the THETAs. See Details and Examples.


mcmc: Draws of the internal cell counts. See Details and Examples.


Computer time: At present, using this function (and the others in this package) requires substantial computer time. The lack of information in ecological data results in slow mixing chains, and the number of parameters that must be drawn in each Gibbs sampler iteration is large. Chain length should be adjusted to achieve adequate convergence. In general, the more segregated the housing patterns in the jurisdiction (meaning the greater the percentage of contingency tables in which one row's counts make up a large portion of that table's total), the smaller the number of iterations needed. We are exploring more efficient sampling algorithms that we anticipate will result in better mixing and faster drawing. At present, however, users should anticipate that analysis of a dataset will take several hours.

Large datasets: At present, use of this fuction (and thus this package) is not recommended for large (i.e., more than 1000 contingency tables) datasets. See immediately above.

RAM requirements: Do not select large values of keepNNinternals or keepTHETAS without adequate RAM.

Gelman-Rubin diagnostic in the coda package: Using the Gelman-Rubin convergence diagnostic as presently implemented in the CODA package (called by gelman.diag()) on multiple chains produced by Analyze will cause an error. The reason is that some of the NN.internals and functions of them (\(LAMBDAs\), TURNOUTs, \(GAMMAs\), and \(BETAs\)) are linearly dependant, and the current coda implmentation of gelman.diag() relies on a matrix inversion.


AnalyzeWithExitPoll is the workhorse function in fitting the R x C ecological inference model described in Greiner & Quinn (2009) with the addition of information from a survey sample from some of the contingency tables. Details and terminology of the basic (i.e., without a survey sample) data structure and ecological inference model are discussed in the documentation accompanying the Analyze function.

In the present implementation, the AnalyzeWithExitPoll presumes that the survey consisted of a simple random sample from the in-sample contingency tables. Future implementations will allow incorporation of more complicated survey sampling schemes.

The arguments to AnalyzeWithExitPoll are essentially identical to those of Analyze with the major exception of exitpoll. exitpoll feeds the results of the survey sample to the function, and a particular format is required. Specifically, exitpoll must have the same number of rows as data, meaning one row for each contigency table in the dataset. It must have R * C columns, meaning one column for each cell in one of the ecological data's contingency tables. The first row of exitpoll must correspond to the first row of data, meaning that the two rows must contain information from the same contingency table. The second row of exitpoll must contain information from the contingency table represented in the second row of data. And so on. Finally, exitpoll must have counts from the sample of the contingency table in vectorized row major format.

To illustrate with a voting example: Suppose the contingency tables have two rows, labeled bla and whi, and three columns, denoted Dem, Rep, and Abs. In other words, the fstring argument would be "Dem, Rep, Abs ~ bla, whi". Suppose there are 100 contingency tables. The data will be of dimension \(100 \times 5\), with each row consisting of the row and column totals from that particular contigency table. exitpoll will be of dimension \(100 \times 6\). Row 11 of the exitpoll will consist of the following: in position 1, the number of blacks voting Democrat observed in the sample of contingency table 11; in position 2, the number of blacks voting Republican observed in the sample of contigency table 11; in position 3, the number of blacks Abstaining from voting observed in the sample of contingency table 11; in position 4, the number of whites voting Democrat observed in the sample of contingency table 11; etc.

For tables in which there was no sample taken (i.e., out-of-sample tables), the corresponding row of exitpoll should have a vector of 0s.

Model fitting proceeds similarly as in Analyze, and output is simimilarly similar. See documentation accompanyng Analyze for further information.


D. James Greiner \& Kevin M. Quinn. 2009. ``R x C Ecological Inference: Bounds, Correlations, Flexibility, and Transparency of Assumptions.'' J.R. Statist. Soc. A 172:67-81.

Martyn Plummer, Nicky Best, Kate Cowles, and Karen Vines. 2002. Output Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMC (CODA).


Run this code
SimData <- gendata.ep()    #  simulated data
FormulaString <- "Dem, Rep, Abs ~ bla, whi, his"
EPInvTune <-  TuneWithExitPoll(fstring = FormulaString,
                               data = SimData$GQdata,
                               num.iters = 10000,
                               num.runs = 15)
EPInvChain1 <- AnalyzeWithExitPoll(fstring = FormulaString,
                                   data = SimData$GQdata,
                                   num.iters = 2000000,
                                   burnin = 200000,
                                   save.every = 2000,
                                   rho.vec = EPInvTune$rhos,
                                   print.every = 20000,
                                   debug = 1,
                                   keepTHETAS = 0,
                                   keepNNinternals = 0)
EPInvChain2 <- AnalyzeWithExitPoll(fstring = FormulaString,
                                   data = SimData$GQdata,
                                   num.iters = 2000000,
                                   burnin = 200000,
                                   save.every = 2000,
                                   rho.vec = EPInvTune$rhos,
                                   print.every = 20000,
                                   debug = 1,
                                   keepTHETAS = 0,
                                   keepNNinternals = 0)
EPInvChain3 <- AnalyzeWithExitPoll(fstring = FormulaString,
                                   data = SimData$GQdata,
                                   num.iters = 2000000,
                                   burnin = 200000,
                                   save.every = 2000,
                                   rho.vec = EPInvTune$rhos,
                                   print.every = 20000,
                                   debug = 1,
                                   keepTHETAS = 0,
                                   keepNNinternals = 0)
EPInv <- mcmc.list(EPInvChain1, EPInvChain2, EPInvChain3)
# }

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