#Some Data#
#write an example ASCII data set
some.data <- "0154hello2304coolgreatZZ\n2034puppy0023nicesweetok\n9900buddy4495 swell!!"
#create temporary ASCII file
some.data.tf <- tempfile()
#write the sas code above to that temporary file
writeLines ( some.data , con = some.data.tf )
#write an example SAS import script using the at method
sas.import.with.at.signs <-
@1 NUMBERS1 4.2
@5 WORDS1 $ 5.
@10 NUMBERS2 2.0
@12 NUMBERS3 2.0
@14 WORDS2 $4.
@18 WORDS3 $5
@23 WORDS4 $ 1
@24 WORDS5 $ 1
#create a temporary file
sas.import.with.at.signs.tf <- tempfile()
#write the sas code above to that temporary file
writeLines ( sas.import.with.at.signs , con = sas.import.with.at.signs.tf )
parse.SAScii( sas.import.with.at.signs.tf )
#using at signs sas script
read.SAScii( some.data.tf , sas.import.with.at.signs.tf )
#write an example SAS import script using the dash method
sas.import.with.lengths <-
NUMBERS1 1 - 4 .2
WORDS1 $ 5-9
NUMBERS2 10 -11
NUMBERS3 12- 13 .0
WORDS2 $14-17
WORDS3$ 18-22
WORDS4 $ 23-23
WORDS5 $24
#create a temporary file
sas.import.with.lengths.tf <- tempfile()
#write the sas code above to that temporary file
writeLines ( sas.import.with.lengths , con = sas.import.with.lengths.tf )
parse.SAScii( sas.import.with.lengths.tf )
#using dash method sas script
read.SAScii( some.data.tf , sas.import.with.lengths.tf )
if (FALSE) {
#Load the 2009 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Emergency Room Visits file as an R data frame
#Location of the ASCII 2009 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Emergency Room Visits File
MEPS.09.ER.visit.file.location <-
#Location of the SAS import instructions for the
#2009 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Emergency Room Visits File
MEPS.09.ER.visit.SAS.read.in.instructions <-
#Load the 2009 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Emergency Room Visits File
#NOTE: The SAS INPUT command occurs at line 273.
MEPS.09.ER.visit.df <-
read.SAScii (
MEPS.09.ER.visit.file.location ,
MEPS.09.ER.visit.SAS.read.in.instructions ,
zipped = T ,
beginline = 273 )
#save the data frame now for instantaneous loading later
save( MEPS.09.ER.visit.df , file = "MEPS.09.ER.visit.data.rda" )
#Load the 2011 National Health Interview Survey Persons file as an R data frame
NHIS.11.personsx.SAS.read.in.instructions <-
NHIS.11.personsx.file.location <-
#store the NHIS file as an R data frame!
NHIS.11.personsx.df <-
read.SAScii (
NHIS.11.personsx.file.location ,
NHIS.11.personsx.SAS.read.in.instructions ,
zipped = T )
#or store the NHIS SAS import instructions for use in a
#read.fwf function call outside of the read.SAScii function
NHIS.11.personsx.sas <- parse.SAScii( NHIS.11.personsx.SAS.read.in.instructions )
#save the data frame now for instantaneous loading later
save( NHIS.11.personsx.df , file = "NHIS.11.personsx.data.rda" )
#Load the 2011 National Health Interview Survey Sample Adult file as an R data frame
NHIS.11.samadult.SAS.read.in.instructions <-
NHIS.11.samadult.file.location <-
#store the NHIS file as an R data frame!
NHIS.11.samadult.df <-
read.SAScii (
NHIS.11.samadult.file.location ,
NHIS.11.samadult.SAS.read.in.instructions ,
zipped = T )
#or store the NHIS SAS import instructions for use in a
#read.fwf function call outside of the read.SAScii function
NHIS.11.samadult.sas <- parse.SAScii( NHIS.11.samadult.SAS.read.in.instructions )
#save the data frame now for instantaneous loading later
save( NHIS.11.samadult.df , file = "NHIS.11.samadult.data.rda" )
#Load an IPUMS - American Community Survey Extract into R
#DOES NOT RUN without downloading ACS ASCII files to
#your local drive from http://www.ipums.org/
IPUMS.file.location <- "./IPUMS/usa_00001.dat"
IPUMS.SAS.read.in.instructions <- "./IPUMS/usa_00001.sas"
#store the IPUMS extract as an R data frame!
IPUMS.df <-
read.SAScii (
IPUMS.file.location ,
IPUMS.SAS.read.in.instructions ,
zipped = F )
#or store the IPUMS extract SAS import instructions for use in a
#read.fwf function call outside of the read.SAScii function
IPUMS.sas <- parse.SAScii( IPUMS.SAS.read.in.instructions )
#Load the Current Population Survey -
#Annual Social and Economic Supplement - March 2011 as an R data frame
#census.gov website containing the current population survey's main file
CPS.ASEC.mar11.file.location <-
CPS.ASEC.mar11.SAS.read.in.instructions <-
#create a temporary file and a temporary directory..
tf <- tempfile() ; td <- tempdir()
#download the CPS repwgts zipped file
download.file( CPS.ASEC.mar11.file.location , tf , mode = "wb" )
#unzip the file's contents and store the file name within the temporary directory
fn <- unzip( tf , exdir = td , overwrite = T )
#the CPS March Supplement ASCII/FWF contains household-, family-, and person-level records.
#throw out records that are not person-level.
#according to the SAS import instructions, person-level record lines begin with a "3"
#create a second temporary file
tf.sub <- tempfile()
input <- fn
output <- tf.sub
incon <- file(input, "r")
outcon <- file(output, "w")
#cycle through every line in the downloaded CPS file..
while(length(line <- readLines(incon, 1))>0){
#and if the first letter is a 3, add it to the new person-only CPS file.
if ( substr( line , 1 , 1 ) == "3" ){
close(incon , add = T)
#the SAS file produced by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
#begins the person-level INPUT after line 1209,
#so skip SAS import instruction lines before that.
#NOTE that the beginline of 1209 will change for different years.
#store the CPS ASEC March 2011 file as an R data frame!
cps.asec.mar11.df <-
read.SAScii (
tf.sub ,
CPS.ASEC.mar11.SAS.read.in.instructions ,
beginline = 1209 ,
zipped = F )
#or store the CPS ASEC March 2011 SAS import instructions for use in a
#read.fwf function call outside of the read.SAScii function
cps.asec.mar11.sas <-
parse.SAScii( CPS.ASEC.mar11.SAS.read.in.instructions , beginline = 1209 )
#Load the Replicate Weights file of the Current Population Survey
#March 2011 as an R data frame
#census.gov website containing the current population survey's replicate weights file
CPS.replicate.weight.file.location <-
CPS.replicate.weight.SAS.read.in.instructions <-
#store the CPS repwgt file as an R data frame!
cps.repwgt.df <-
read.SAScii (
CPS.replicate.weight.file.location ,
CPS.replicate.weight.SAS.read.in.instructions ,
zipped = T )
#or store the CPS repwgt SAS import instructions for use in a
#read.fwf function call outside of the read.SAScii function
cps.repwgt.sas <- parse.SAScii( CPS.replicate.weight.SAS.read.in.instructions )
#Load the 2008 Survey of Income and Program Participation Wave 1 as an R data frame
SIPP.08w1.SAS.read.in.instructions <-
SIPP.08w1.file.location <-
#store the SIPP file as an R data frame
#note the text "INPUT" appears before the actual INPUT block of the SAS code
#so the parsing of the SAS instructions will fail without a beginline parameter specifying
#where the appropriate INPUT block occurs
SIPP.08w1.df <-
read.SAScii (
SIPP.08w1.file.location ,
SIPP.08w1.SAS.read.in.instructions ,
beginline = 5 ,
buffersize = 10 ,
zipped = T )
#or store the SIPP SAS import instructions for use in a
#read.fwf function call outside of the read.SAScii function
SIPP.08w1.sas <- parse.SAScii( SIPP.08w1.SAS.read.in.instructions , beginline = 5 )
#Load the Replicate Weights file of the
#2008 Survey of Income and Program Participation Wave 1 as an R data frame
SIPP.repwgt.08w1.SAS.read.in.instructions <-
SIPP.repwgt.08w1.file.location <-
#store the SIPP file as an R data frame
#note the text "INPUT" appears before the actual INPUT block of the SAS code
#so the parsing of the SAS instructions will fail without a beginline parameter specifying
#where the appropriate INPUT block occurs
SIPP.repwgt.08w1.df <-
read.SAScii (
SIPP.repwgt.08w1.file.location ,
SIPP.repwgt.08w1.SAS.read.in.instructions ,
beginline = 5 ,
zipped = T )
#store the SIPP SAS import instructions for use in a
#read.fwf function call outside of the read.SAScii function
SIPP.repwgt.08w1.sas <-
SIPP.repwgt.08w1.SAS.read.in.instructions ,
beginline = 5 )
#Load all twelve waves of the 2004 Survey of Income and Program Participation as R data frames
SIPP.04w1.SAS.read.in.instructions <-
#store the SIPP SAS import instructions for use in a
#read.fwf function call outside of the read.SAScii function
SIPP.04w1.sas <- parse.SAScii( SIPP.04w1.SAS.read.in.instructions , beginline = 5 )
#note the text "INPUT" appears before the actual INPUT block of the SAS code
#so the parsing of the SAS instructions will fail without a beginline parameter specifying
#where the appropriate INPUT block occurs
#loop through all 12 waves of SIPP 2004
for ( i in 1:12 ){
SIPP.04wX.file.location <-
"http://smpbff2.dsd.census.gov/pub/sipp/2004/l04puw" ,
i ,
".zip" ,
sep = ""
#name the data frame based on the current wave
df.name <- paste( "SIPP.04w" , i , ".df" , sep = "" )
#store the SIPP file as an R data frame!
df.name ,
read.SAScii (
SIPP.04wX.file.location ,
SIPP.04w1.SAS.read.in.instructions ,
beginline = 5 ,
buffersize = 5 ,
zipped = T )
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab