This routine takes the entries from a 2x2 table as the arguments and returns the estimate for the difference of the probabilities p_A-p_B along with the Newcombe-Wilson-CI. It also finds a p-value dual to the Newcombe-Wilson method. For more details, see Petroff, Bacak, Dagres, Dilk, Wachter: A simple blinding index for randomized controlled trials. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2024 Nov 26;42:101393. doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2024.101393. PMID: 39686958.
tolerance = 1e-12,
switch_point = 1e-12,
conf.level = 0.95
Lower end of CI
Upper end of CI
p-value dual to the Wilson CI method
z-value corresponding to the p-value
Number of patients in Group A guessing that they are in Group A. A non-negative number, usually an integer.
Number of patients in Group A guessing that they are in Group B. A non-negative number, usually an integer.
Number of patients in Group B guessing that they are in Group A. A non-negative number, usually an integer.
Number of patients in Group B guessing that they are in Group B. A non-negative number, usually an integer.
Alternatively, one can pass the first four arguments as a single 2x2 table, that is, as.table(cbind(c(n_AA, n_BA), c(n_AB, n_BB))).
Tolerance for the `stats::uniroot' function.
A technical detail. A (very small) positive number.
confidence level.