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SDMTools (version 1.1-221)

extract.data: Spatial Join of Points with Raster Grids


extract.data extracts data from raster object of class 'asc' (this and the adehabitat package), 'RasterLayer' (raster package) or 'SpatialGridDataFrame' (sp package) at specified locations. This represents a faster version of 'join.asc' of the adehabitat package that assumes all locations are within the map extents. Note: there is no interpolation done here. The values reported are simply the values of the raster cell the point falls into.


"extract"(pts, x)


a two-column data frame or matrix with the x and y coordinates of the locations of interest.
a raster matrix of class 'asc' (this and the adehabitat package), 'RasterLayer' (raster package) or 'SpatialGridDataFrame' (sp package)


Returns a vector equal in length to the number of locations in pnts.


Implements a faster version of 'join.asc' from the adehabitat package. NOTE: this assumes all locations are within the extent of the raster map. Values outside the extent will be given a value of NA.


Run this code
#create a simple object of class 'asc'
tasc = as.asc(matrix(1:50,nr=50,nc=50)); print(tasc)

#define some point locations
points = data.frame(x=runif(25,1,50),y=runif(25,1,50))

#extract the data
points$values = extract.data(points,tasc)

#show the data

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab