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SDMTools (version 1.1-221)

put.data: Spatial Join of Points with Raster Grids - replace data


put.data replaces data in raster object of class 'asc' (this and adehabitat package) at specified locations. Note: there is no interpolation done here. The values given replace the values of the raster cell the point falls into.


put.data(pts, x)


a three-column data frame or matrix with the x and y coordinates of the locations of interest and the third column being the z values to put in the ascii grid file.
a raster matrix of class 'asc' (this and the adehabitat package)


Returns a raster matrix of class 'asc' equal in size to input 'x'.


Implements a faster version of 'join.asc' from the adehabitat package. NOTE: this assumes all locations are within the extent of the raster map. Values outside the extent will be given a value of NA.


Run this code
#create a simple object of class 'asc'
tasc = as.asc(matrix(1:50,nr=50,nc=50)); print(tasc)
## Not run: image(tasc)

#define some point locations
points = data.frame(x=runif(25,1,50),y=runif(25,1,50),z=50)

#put the new data
tasc = put.data(points,tasc)

#show the data
## Not run: image(tasc)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab