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SIM (version 1.42.0)

getRIStandard: Get the RI standard information


This function generates a table which can be used for RI calibration when calling the getRI function It retrieves the retention indexes of RI standards and their retention times in a table, e.g. data frame.


getRIStandard(file.name = character(), path = getwd())


a string including the full name of a csv file including the information of RI standards in two columns, one for retention time and one for retention index.
a string inlcuding the full path to the RI standard .csv file lication, optional


  • A data frame including retention times and retention idexes of the RI standards


The input of this function is a table in .csv format RItable. The file should include the information of RI standards in two columns, one for retention times and one for retention index of the standards. The information is usually extracted by running a mixture of RI standards for calibration. The output is a table, i.e. a data frame, including the retention time and retention index of the RI standards which can be further used when calling getRI function.



See Also



Run this code
# load an example data set
    extdata.path <- system.file("extdata", package = "SIMAT")
    # read RItable from file
    RItable <- getRIStandard(file.name = "RIStandards.csv", path = extdata.path)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab