getTarget(Method = "target", = character(), = character(), path = getwd(),
library.path = getwd(), Library = list(), target.table = list(),
deltaRI = numeric(), deltaRT = numeric(), Save = FALSE)
file as a list of targets. In the "library" mode, the user provides only a library in .MSL
format, but it is required to provide a target.table
to determine the name of the targets and the selected mass. The target.table
can be obtained by using getTargetTable
function. In the "combined" method, the user provides a list of targets as target.table
and a library in .MSL
format where the fragments are selected using optimization..MSL
file including the target compounds information..MSL
file including the library compounds information. The library can include background compounds, e.g. an in-house library. A library can also directly imported using the Library
, the function returns the targets as a list, otherwise, it saves the list as an rds
and sp
, this function reads the target list and retrieves the reltated informatin such as retention time, retention index, mass and intensity of the fragments, and compound names. The user can determine the quantifier mass by using a single value for all targets, or a vector of values pointing to the index of the fragment of ineterest for each target. Also, the targets can be chosen by omptimization based on overlapping compounds if a library is provided. The library should not include any targets, but it can be an in-house library built from background compounds detected in measurements of the same type of samples.getTargetTable
, optFrag
# load the target table information
# load the background library to be used with fragment selection
# get targets info using target table and provided library
Targets <- getTarget(Method = "library", Library = Library,
target.table = target.table)
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