a list of targets and their information including retention time and index, mass and intensity of the fragments extracted from a target list
a list of compounds and their information including retention time and index, mass and intensity of the fragments extracted from an .MSL library.
a list including the name of the compounds, this is required when a library is provided to extract the targets information from the library. This value can be obtained using getTargetTable
a numeric value for the penalty on the retention index similarity score
a numeric value for the penalty on the retention time similarity score
a numeric value, where neither the number of fragments, i.e. numFrag
, nor the mass of suggested fragments are not provided, the algorithm chooses numFrag.default
fragments from the library.
a logical value to force the optimization where the default is FALSE
. When it is set to TRUE, even when fragment masses are provided by user, the algorithm picks the omptimized fragments. The number of selected fragments is then decided by the number of suggested fragments or numFrag.default