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SNSequate (version 1.3-4)

loglin.smooth: Pre-smoothing using log-linear models.


This function fits log-linear models to score data and provides estimates of the (vector of) score probabilities as well as the C matrix decomposition of their covariance matrix, according to the specified equating design (see Details).


loglin.smooth(scores, degree, design, scores2, degreeXA, degreeYA, 
J, K, L, wx, wy, w, gapsX, gapsY, gapsA, lumpX, lumpY, lumpA,...)



The estimated score probabilities


The C matrix which is so that \(\Sigma=CC^t\)


Note that depending on the specified equating design, not all arguments are necessary as detailed below.


If the "EG" design is specified, a vector containing the raw sample frequencies coming from one group taking the test.

If the "SG" design is specified, a matrix containing the (joint) bivariate sample frequencies for \(X\) (raws) and \(Y\) (columns).

If the "CB" design is specified, a two column matrix containing the observed scores of the sample taking test \(X\) first, followed by test \(Y\). The scores2 argument is then used for the scores of the sample taking test Y first followed by test \(X\).

If either the "NEAT_CB" or "NEAT_PSE" design is selected, a two column matrix containing the observed scores on test \(X\) (first column) and the observed scores on the anchor test \(A\) (second column). The scores2 argument is then used for the observed scores on test \(Y\).


Either a number or vector indicating the number of power moments to be fitted to the marginal distributions, or the number or cross moments to be fitted to the joint distributions, respectively. For the "EG" design it will be a number (see Details).


A character string indicating the equating design (one of "EG", "SG", "CB", "NEAT_CE", "NEAT_PSE")


Only used for the "CB", "NEAT_CE" and "NEAT_PSE" designs. See the description of scores.


A vector indicating the number of power moments to be fitted to the marginal distributions \(X\) and \(A\), and the number or cross moments to be fitted to the joint distribution \((X,A)\) (see details). Only used for the "NEAT_CE" and "NEAT_PSE" designs.


Only used for the "NEAT_CE" and "NEAT_PSE" designs (see the description for degreeXA)


The number of possible \(X\) scores. Only needed for "CB", "NEAT_CB" and "NEAT_PSE" designs


The number of possible \(Y\) scores. Only needed for "CB", "NEAT_CB" and "NEAT_PSE" designs


The number of possible \(A\) scores. Needed for "NEAT_CB" and "NEAT_PSE" designs


A number that satisfies \(0\leq w_X\leq 1\) indicating the weight put on the data that is not subject to order effects. Only used for the "CB" design.


A number that satisfies \(0\leq w_Y\leq 1\) indicating the weight put on the data that is not subject to order effects. Only used for the "CB" design.


A number that satisfies \(0\leq w\leq 1\) indicating the weight given to population \(P\). Only used for the "NEAT" design.


A list object containing:


A vector of indices between \(0\) and \(J\) to smooth "gaps", usually ocurring at regular intervals due to scores rounded to integer values and other methodological factors.


An integer indicating the maximum degree of the moments fitted by the log-linear model.

Only used for the "NEAT" design.


A list object containing:


A vector of indices between \(0\) and \(K\).


An integer indicating the maximum degree of the moments fitted.

Only used for the "NEAT" design.


A list object containing:


A vector of indices between \(0\) and \(L\).


An integer indicating the maximum degree of the moments fitted.

Only used for the "NEAT" design.


An integer to represent the index where an artificial "lump" is created in the marginal distribution of frecuencies for \(X\) due to recording of negative rounded formulas or any other methodological artifact.


An integer to represent the index where an artificial "lump" is created in the marginal distribution of frecuencies for \(Y\).


An integer to represent the index where an artificial "lump" is created in the marginal distribution of frecuencies for \(A\).


Further arguments to be passed.


Jorge Gonzalez jorge.gonzalez@mat.uc.cl


This function fits loglinear models as described in Holland and Thayer (1987), and Von Davier et al. (2004). The following general equation can be used to represent the models according to the different designs used, in which the vector \(o\) (or matrix) of (marginal or bivariate) score probabilities satisfies the log-linear model: $$\log(o_{gh})=\alpha_m+Z_m(z_g)+W_m(w_h)+ZW_m(z_g,w_h)$$ where \(Z_m(z_g)=\sum_{i=1}^{T_{Zm}}\beta_{zmi}(z_g)^i\), \(W_m(w_h)=\sum_{i=1}^{T_{Wm}}\beta_{Wmi}(w_h)^i\), and, \(ZW_m(z_g,w_h)=\sum_{i=1}^{I_{Zm}}\sum_{i'=1}^{I_{Wm}}\beta_{ZWmii'}(z_g)^i(w_h)^{i'}\).

The symbols will vary according to the different equating designs specified. Possible values are: \(o=p_{(12)}, p_{(21)}, p, q\); \(Z=X, Y\); \(W=Y, A\); \(z=x, y\); \(w=y, a\); \(m=(12), (21), P, Q\); \(g=j, k\); \(h=l, k\).

Particular cases of this general equation for each of the equating designs can be found in Von Davier et al (2004) (e.g., Equations (7.1) and (7.2) for the "EG" design, Equation (8.1) for the "SG" design, Equations (9,1) and (9.2) for the "CB" design).


Gonzalez, J. (2014). SNSequate: Standard and Nonstandard Statistical Models and Methods for Test Equating. Journal of Statistical Software, 59(7), 1-30.

Holland, P. and Thayer, D. (1987). Notes on the use of loglinear models for fitting discrete probability distributions. Research Report 87-31, Princeton NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Von Davier, A., Holland, P., and Thayer, D. (2004). The Kernel Method of Test Equating. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.

[1] Moses, T. "Paper SA06_05 Using PROC GENMOD for Loglinear Smoothing Tim Moses and Alina A. von Davier, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ".

See Also

glm, ker.eq


Run this code
#Table 7.4 from Von Davier et al. (2004)

## Example taken from [1]
score <- 0:20
freq <- c(10, 2, 5, 8, 7, 9, 8, 7, 8, 5, 5, 4, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0)
ldata <- data.frame(score, freq)

plot(ldata, pch=16, main="Data w Lump at 0")
m1 = loglin.smooth(scores=ldata$freq,kert="gauss",degree=c(3),design="EG")
m2 = loglin.smooth(scores=ldata$freq,kert="gauss",degree=c(3),design="EG",lumpX=0)
Ns = sum(ldata$freq)
points(m1$sp.est*Ns, col=2, pch=16)
points(m2$sp.est*Ns, col=3, pch=16) # Preserves the lump

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