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SPA3G (version 1.0)

Score.Test.Interact: Implement the gene-centric gene-gene interaction effect test for H0:


Score.Test.Interact returns results of interaction test, including score statistic, p-value, and estimates of variance components.


Score.Test.Interact(Y, K1, K2, K3, par, method = "BFGS", test = TRUE)


numerical vector: quantitative phenotypes.

matrix: kernel matrix of the first gene.

matrix: kernel matrix of the second gene.

matrix: elementwise multiplication of K1 and K2.

numerical vector: initial values of varicance components.

the method to be used in maximazing REML. the defalt method is "BFGS". Other options are Average Information "AI" and Fisher Scoreing "FS".

logical: if TRUE conduct the test.


REML estimats of variance components
fisher information matrix
ML estimate of the overall mean
restricted log-likelihood
score statistic
estimated degree of freedom for the scaled chi-square
estimated scale parameter for the scaled chi-square
p-value of the test


The length of the initial values (par) should be the same as the number of variance components you intend to estimate. And the score test can only be implemented under the null model (H0:) which has 3 variance components.


Run this code

## The function is currently defined as
function (Y, K1, K2, K3, par, method = "BFGS", test = TRUE) 
    p <- length(par)
    if (p != 3 & test == TRUE) 
        cat("Error: Not matched initial values!")
    theta.new <- par
    theta.old <- rep(0, p)
    X <- matrix(1, n, 1)
    Vs <- array(0, c(n, n, 4))
    Vs[, , 1] <- diag(1, n)
    Vs[, , 2] <- K1
    Vs[, , 3] <- K2
    Vs[, , 4] <- K3
    Sigma <- 0
    for (i in 1:p) {
        Sigma <- Sigma + theta.new[i] * Vs[, , i]
    W <- solve(Sigma)
    R <- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% 
    kk <- g.old <- 0
    tt <- c()
    while (sum(abs(theta.new - theta.old)) > 1e-05 & kk < 100) {
        if (method == "BFGS") {
            s <- theta.new - theta.old
            theta.old <- theta.new
            g <- c()
            for (i in 1:p) {
                g[i] <- -t(Y) %*% R %*% Vs[, , i] %*% R %*% Y + 
                  TT(R, Vs[, , i])
            delta <- g - g.old
            g.old <- g
            if (kk == 0 | t(s) %*% delta <= 0) {
                AI <- matrix(0, p, p)
                for (i in 1:p) {
                  for (j in i:p) {
                    AI[i, j] <- AI[j, i] <- t(Y) %*% R %*% Vs[, 
                      , i] %*% R %*% Vs[, , j] %*% R %*% Y
                H_inv <- solve(AI)
            else {
                rho <- c(1/(t(delta) %*% s))
                H_inv <- (diag(1, p) - (s %*% t(delta)) * rho) %*% 
                  H_inv %*% (diag(1, p) - rho * delta %*% t(s)) + 
                  rho * s %*% t(s)
        if (method == "AI") {
            theta.old <- theta.new
            g <- c()
            for (i in 1:p) {
                g[i] <- t(Y) %*% R %*% Vs[, , i] %*% R %*% Y - 
                  TT(R, Vs[, , i])
            H <- matrix(0, p, p)
            for (i in 1:p) {
                for (j in i:p) {
                  H[i, j] <- H[j, i] <- -t(Y) %*% R %*% Vs[, 
                    , i] %*% R %*% Vs[, , j] %*% R %*% Y
            H_inv <- solve(H)
        if (method == "FS") {
            theta.old <- theta.new
            g <- c()
            for (i in 1:p) {
                g[i] <- t(Y) %*% R %*% Vs[, , i] %*% R %*% Y - 
                  TT(R, Vs[, , i])
            H <- matrix(0, p, p)
            for (i in 1:p) {
                AA <- R %*% Vs[, , i]
                for (j in i:p) {
                  BB <- R %*% Vs[, , j]
                  H[i, j] <- H[j, i] <- -TRACE(AA %*% BB)
            H_inv <- solve(H)
        theta.new <- theta.old - H_inv %*% (g)
        alpha <- 0.5
        while (length(which(theta.new < 0)) > 0 & alpha > 1e-08) {
            theta.new <- theta.old - alpha * H_inv %*% (g)
            alpha <- alpha/2
        theta.new[which(theta.new < 0)] <- 0
        Sigma.new <- 0
        for (i in 1:p) {
            Sigma.new <- Sigma.new + theta.new[i] * Vs[, , i]
        W.new <- solve(Sigma.new)
        R <- W.new - W.new %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W.new %*% 
            X) %*% t(X) %*% W.new
        kk <- kk + 1
    a1 <- R %*% Vs[, , 1]
    a2 <- R %*% Vs[, , 2]
    a3 <- R %*% Vs[, , 3]
    a4 <- R %*% Vs[, , 4]
    b11 <- TT(a1, a1)
    b12 <- TT(a1, a2)
    b13 <- TT(a1, a3)
    b14 <- TT(a1, a4)
    b22 <- TT(a2, a2)
    b23 <- TT(a2, a3)
    b24 <- TT(a2, a4)
    b33 <- TT(a3, a3)
    b34 <- TT(a3, a4)
    b44 <- TT(a4, a4)
    if (test == FALSE) {
        eigen.sigma <- eigen(Sigma.new)
        lR <- -(sum(log(eigen.sigma$values)) + log(det(t(X) %*% 
            W.new %*% X)) + t(Y) %*% R %*% Y)/2
        H <- matrix(c(b11, b12, b13, b14, b12, b22, b23, b24, 
            b13, b23, b33, b34, b14, b24, b34, b44), 4, 4)/2
        beta <- solve(t(X) %*% W.new %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W.new %*% 
        object <- list(VCs = theta.new, fisher.info = H, Beta = beta, 
            restricted.logLik = lR)
    if (test == TRUE) {
        eigen.sigma <- eigen(Sigma.new)
        lR <- -(sum(log(eigen.sigma$values)) + log(det(t(X) %*% 
            W.new %*% X)) + t(Y) %*% R %*% Y)/2
        W0 <- W.new
        beta <- solve(t(X) %*% W0 %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W0 %*% 
        Q <- t(Y - X %*% beta) %*% W0 %*% K3 %*% W0 %*% (Y - 
            X %*% beta)/2
        e <- TT(R, K3)/2
        Its <- c(b14, b24, b34)
        Iss <- matrix(c(b11, b12, b13, b12, b22, b23, b13, b23, 
            b33), 3, 3)
        Itt <- (b44 - Its %*% solve(Iss) %*% Its)/2
        k <- Itt/e/2
        v = 2 * e^2/Itt
        pvalue <- pchisq(Q/k, df = v, lower.tail = F)
        object <- list(VCs = theta.new, fisher.info = Iss/2, 
            Beta = beta, restricted.logLik = lR, Score = Q, df = v, 
            scale = k, p.value = pvalue)
        class(object) <- "Score Test: tau3=0"

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