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CbindIdMatch: Combine several data frames by using id variables to match rows


Combine several data frames by using id variables to match rows


  addName = names(x),
  sep = "_",
  idNames = sapply(x, function(x) names(x)[1]),
  idNames1 = idNames,
  addLast = FALSE


A single data frame



Several data frames as several input parameters or a list of data frames


NULL or vector of strings used to name columns according to origin frame


A character string to separate when addName apply


Names of a id variable within each data frame


Names of variables in first data frame that correspond to the id variable within each data frame


When TRUE addName will be at end


Øyvind Langsrud


The first data frame is the basis and the other frames will be matched by using id-variables. The default id-variables are the first variable in each frame. Corresponding variables with the same name in first frame is assumed. An id-variable is not needed if the number of rows is one or the same as the first frame. Then the element of idNames can be set to a string with zero length.

See Also

RbindAll (same example data)


Run this code
zA <- data.frame(idA = 1:10, idB = rep(10 * (1:5), 2), idC = rep(c(100, 200), 5), 
                 idC2 = c(100, rep(200, 9)), idC3 = rep(100, 10), 
                 idD = 99, x = round(rnorm(10), 3), xA = round(runif(10), 2))
zB <- data.frame(idB = 10 * (1:5), x = round(rnorm(5), 3), xB = round(runif(5), 2))
zC <- data.frame(idC = c(100, 200), x = round(rnorm(2), 3), xC = round(runif(2), 2))
zD <- data.frame(idD = 99, x = round(rnorm(1), 3), xD = round(runif(1), 2))
CbindIdMatch(zA, zB, zC, zD)
CbindIdMatch(a = zA, b = zB, c = zC, d = zD, idNames = c("", "idB", "idC", ""))
CbindIdMatch(a = zA, b = zB, c = zC, d = zD, idNames1 = c("", "idB", "idC2", ""))
CbindIdMatch(a = zA, b = zB, c = zC, d = zD, idNames1 = c("", "idB", "idC3", ""))
CbindIdMatch(zA, zB, zC, zD, addName = c("", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd"), sep = ".", addLast = TRUE)
try(CbindIdMatch(X = zA, Y = zA[, 4:5], Z = zC, idNames = NULL)) # Error
CbindIdMatch(X = zA, Y = zA[, 4:5], Z = zD, idNames = NULL)      # Ok since equal NROW or NROW==1
CbindIdMatch(list(a = zA, b = zB, c = zC, d = zD))               # List is alternative input

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