z <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_withEU")[c(1, 5, 8, 14), ]
z$age[z$age == "Y15-29"] <- "young"
z$age[z$age == "Y30-64"] <- "old"
varGroups <- list(c("year", "geo", "eu"), data.frame(age = c("middle", "old")))
Extend0(z, varGroups = varGroups)
attr(varGroups, "FunctionExtend0") <- Extend0rnd1
Extend0(z, varGroups = varGroups)
attr(varGroups, "FunctionExtend0") <- Extend0rnd1b
Extend0(z, varGroups = varGroups)
attr(varGroups, "FunctionExtend0") <- Extend0rnd2
Extend0(z, varGroups = varGroups)
# To see what's going on internally. Data used only via nrow
varGroups <- list(data.frame(ab = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 4), abcd = c("a", "b", "c", "d")),
data.frame(AB = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3), ABC = c("A", "B", "C")))
a <- Extend0rnd1(data.frame(1:5), varGroups)
table(a[[1]], a[[2]])
table(a[[3]], a[[4]])
a <- Extend0rnd1b(data.frame(1:5), varGroups)
table(a[[1]], a[[2]])
table(a[[3]], a[[4]])
a <- Extend0rnd2(data.frame(1:5), varGroups[2:1])
table(a[[1]], a[[2]])
table(a[[3]], a[[4]])
a <- Extend0rnd1(data.frame(1:100), varGroups)
table(a[[1]], a[[2]]) # Maybe smaller numbers than expected since duplicates were removed
table(a[[3]], a[[4]])
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