# useUnique=NULL betyr valg ut fra antall rader i kombinasjonsfil
codes <- as.character(c(100, 200, 300, 600, 700, 101, 102, 103, 104, 134, 647, 783,
13401, 13402, 64701, 64702))
# Create list input
zList <- list(car = rownames(mtcars), wt = as.character(1000 * mtcars$wt),
city = names(precip), code = codes)
# Create data.frame input
m <- cbind(car = rownames(mtcars), wt = as.character(1000 * mtcars$wt))
zFrame <- data.frame(m[rep(1:NROW(m), each = 35), ],
city = names(precip), code = codes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Create globbing/wildcards input
wg <- data.frame(rbind(c("Merc*", "" , "" , "?00" ),
c("F*" , "" , "" , "?????"),
c("" , "???0", "C*" , "" ),
c("" , "" , "!Co*", "" ),
c("" , "" , "?i*" , "????2"),
c("" , "" , "?h*" , "????1")),
sign = c("+", "+", "+", "+", "-", "-"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(wg)[1:4] <- names(zList)
# ===================================================================
# Finding unique combinations present in the input data frame
# ===================================================================
# Using first row of wg. Combinations of car starting with Merc
# and three-digit code ending with 00
HierarchicalWildcardGlobbing(zFrame[, c(1, 4)], wg[1, c(1, 4, 5)])
# Using first row of wg. Combinations of all four variables
HierarchicalWildcardGlobbing(zFrame, wg[1, ])
# More combinations when using second row also
HierarchicalWildcardGlobbing(zFrame, wg[1:2, ])
# Less combinations when using third row also
# since last digit of wt must be 0 and only cities starting with C
HierarchicalWildcardGlobbing(zFrame, wg[1:3, ])
# Less combinations when using fourth row also since city cannot start with Co
HierarchicalWildcardGlobbing(zFrame, wg[1:4, ])
# Less combinations when using fourth row also
# since specific combinations of city and code are removed
HierarchicalWildcardGlobbing(zFrame, wg)
# ===================================================================
# Using list input to create all possible combinations
# ===================================================================
dim(HierarchicalWildcardGlobbing(zList, wg))
# same result with as.list since same unique values of each variable
dim(HierarchicalWildcardGlobbing(as.list(zFrame), wg))
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