# Create some input
z <- SSBtoolsData("sp_emp_withEU")
ageHier <- data.frame(mapsFrom = c("young", "old"), mapsTo = "Total", sign = 1)
geoDimList <- FindDimLists(z[, c("geo", "eu")], total = "Europe")[[1]]
# Small dataset example. Two dimensions.
s <- z[z$geo == "Spain" & z$year != 2016, ]
rownames(s) <- NULL
# via Hierarchies2ModelMatrix() and converted to ordinary matrix (not sparse)
ModelMatrix(s, list(age = ageHier, year = ""), sparse = FALSE)
# Hierarchies generated automatically. Then via Hierarchies2ModelMatrix()
ModelMatrix(s[, c(1, 4)])
# via Formula2ModelMatrix()
ModelMatrix(s, formula = ~age + year)
# via model.matrix() after adding empty factor levels
ModelMatrix(s, formula = ~age + year, sparse = FALSE, viaOrdinary = TRUE)
# via sparse.model.matrix() after adding empty factor levels
ModelMatrix(s, formula = ~age + year, viaOrdinary = TRUE)
# via HierarchiesAndFormula2ModelMatrix() and using different data and parameter settings
ModelMatrix(s, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList, year = ""), formula = ~age * geo + year,
inputInOutput = FALSE, removeEmpty = TRUE, crossTable = TRUE)
ModelMatrix(s, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList, year = ""), formula = ~age * geo + year,
inputInOutput = c(TRUE, FALSE), removeEmpty = FALSE, crossTable = TRUE)
ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList, year = ""), formula = ~age * year + geo,
inputInOutput = c(FALSE, TRUE), crossTable = TRUE)
# via Hierarchies2ModelMatrix() using unnamed list element. See AutoHierarchies.
colnames(ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, c(Europe = "geo", Allyears = "year", "eu"))))
colnames(ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, c("geo", "year", "eu")), total = c("t1", "t2")))
# Example using the select parameter as a data frame
select <- data.frame(age = c("Total", "young", "old"), geo = c("EU", "nonEU", "Spain"))
ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList),
select = select, crossTable = TRUE)$crossTable
# Examples using the select parameter as a list
ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList), inputInOutput = FALSE,
select = list(geo = c("nonEU", "Portugal")), crossTable = TRUE)$crossTable
ModelMatrix(z, list(age = ageHier, geo = geoDimList),
select = list(geo = c("nonEU", "Portugal"), age = c("Total", "young")),
crossTable = TRUE)$crossTable
# Using NAomit parameter avalable in Formula2ModelMatrix()
s$age[1] <- NA
ModelMatrix(s, formula = ~age + year)
ModelMatrix(s, formula = ~age + year, NAomit = FALSE)
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