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SSBtools (version 1.7.0)

model_aggregate: Hierarchical aggregation via model specification


Internally a dummy/model matrix is created according to the model specification. This model matrix is used in the aggregation process via matrix multiplication and/or the function aggregate_multiple_fun.


  sum_vars = NULL,
  fun_vars = NULL,
  fun = NULL,
  hierarchies = NULL,
  formula = NULL,
  dim_var = NULL,
  total = NULL,
  input_in_output = NULL,
  remove_empty = NULL,
  avoid_hierarchical = NULL,
  preagg_var = NULL,
  dummy = TRUE,
  pre_aggregate = dummy,
  aggregate_pkg = "base",
  aggregate_na = TRUE,
  aggregate_base_order = FALSE,
  list_return = FALSE,
  pre_return = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  mm_args = NULL,


A data frame or a list.



Input data containing data to be aggregated, typically a data frame, tibble, or data.table. If data is not a classic data frame, it will be coerced to one internally.


Variables to be summed. This will be done via matrix multiplication.


Variables to be aggregated by supplied functions. This will be done via aggregate_multiple_fun and dummy_aggregate and fun_vars is specified as the parameter vars.


The fun parameter to aggregate_multiple_fun


The hierarchies parameter to ModelMatrix


The formula parameter to ModelMatrix


The dimVar parameter to ModelMatrix


When non-NULL, the total parameter to ModelMatrix. Thus, the actual default value is "Total".


When non-NULL, the inputInOutput parameter to ModelMatrix. Thus, the actual default value is TRUE.


When non-NULL, the removeEmpty parameter to ModelMatrix. Thus, the actual default value is TRUE with formula input without hierarchy and otherwise FALSE (see ModelMatrix).


When non-NULL, the avoidHierarchical parameter to Formula2ModelMatrix, which is an underlying function of ModelMatrix.


Extra variables to be used as grouping elements in the pre-aggregate step


The dummy parameter to dummy_aggregate. When TRUE, only 0s and 1s are assumed in the generated model matrix. When FALSE, non-0s in this matrix are passed as an additional first input parameter to the fun functions.


Whether to pre-aggregate data to reduce the dimension of the model matrix. Note that all original fun_vars observations are retained in the aggregated dataset and pre_aggregate does not affect the final result. However, pre_aggregate must be set to FALSE when the dummy_aggregate parameter dummy is set to FALSE since then unlist will not be run. An exception to this is if the fun functions are written to handle list data.


Package used to pre-aggregate. Parameter pkg to aggregate_by_pkg.


Whether to include NAs in the grouping variables while preAggregate. Parameter include_na to aggregate_by_pkg.


Parameter base_order to aggregate_by_pkg, used when pre-aggregate. The default is set to FALSE to avoid unnecessary sorting operations. When TRUE, an attempt is made to return the same result with data.table as with base R. This cannot be guaranteed due to potential variations in sorting behavior across different systems.


Whether to return a list of separate components including the model matrix x.


Whether to return the pre-aggregate data as a two-component list. Can also be combined with list_return (see examples).


Whether to print information during calculations.


List of further arguments passed to ModelMatrix.


Further arguments passed to dummy_aggregate.


With formula input, limited output can be achieved by formula_selection (see example). An attribute called startCol has been added to the output data frame to make this functionality work.


Run this code
z <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_withEU")
z$age[z$age == "Y15-29"] <- "young"
z$age[z$age == "Y30-64"] <- "old"
names(z)[names(z) == "ths_per"] <- "ths"
z$y <- 1:18

my_range <- function(x) c(min = min(x), max = max(x))

out <- model_aggregate(z, 
   formula = ~age:year + geo, 
   sum_vars = c("y", "ths"), 
   fun_vars = c(sum = "ths", mean = "y", med = "y", ra = "ths"), 
   fun = c(sum = sum, mean = mean, med = median, ra = my_range))


# Limited output can be achieved by formula_selection
formula_selection(out, ~geo)

# Using the single unnamed variable feature.
model_aggregate(z, formula = ~age, fun_vars = "y", 
                fun = c(sum = sum, mean = mean, med = median, n = length))

# To illustrate list_return and pre_return 
for (pre_return in c(FALSE, TRUE)) for (list_return in c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
  cat("list_return =", list_return, ", pre_return =", pre_return, "\n\n")
  out <- model_aggregate(z, formula = ~age:year, 
                         sum_vars = c("ths", "y"), 
                         fun_vars = c(mean = "y", ra = "y"), 
                         fun = c(mean = mean, ra = my_range), 
                         list_return = list_return,
                         pre_return = pre_return)

# To illustrate preagg_var 
model_aggregate(z, formula = ~age:year, 
sum_vars = c("ths", "y"), 
fun_vars = c(mean = "y", ra = "y"), 
fun = c(mean = mean, ra = my_range), 
preagg_var = "eu",
pre_return = TRUE)[["pre_data"]]

# To illustrate hierarchies 
geo_hier <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_geoHier")
model_aggregate(z, hierarchies = list(age = "All", geo = geo_hier), 
                sum_vars = "y", 
                fun_vars = c(sum = "y"))

####  Special non-dummy cases illustrated below  ####

# Extend the hierarchy to make non-dummy model matrix  
geo_hier2 <- rbind(data.frame(mapsFrom = c("EU", "Spain"), 
                              mapsTo = "EUandSpain", sign = 1), geo_hier[, -4])

# Warning since non-dummy
# y and y_sum are different 
model_aggregate(z, hierarchies = list(age = "All", geo = geo_hier2), 
                sum_vars = "y", 
                fun_vars = c(sum = "y"))

# No warning since dummy since unionComplement = TRUE (see ?HierarchyCompute)
# y and y_sum are equal   
model_aggregate(z, hierarchies = list(age = "All", geo = geo_hier2), 
                sum_vars = "y", 
                fun_vars = c(sum = "y"),
                mm_args = list(unionComplement = TRUE))

# Non-dummy again, but no warning since dummy = FALSE
# Then pre_aggregate is by default set to FALSE (error when TRUE) 
# fun with extra argument needed (see ?dummy_aggregate)
# y and y_sum2 are equal
model_aggregate(z, hierarchies = list(age = "All", geo = geo_hier2), 
                sum_vars = "y", 
                fun_vars = c(sum2 = "y"),
                fun = c(sum2 = function(x, y) sum(x * y)),
                dummy = FALSE) 

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab