z <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_withEU")
z$age[z$age == "Y15-29"] <- "young"
z$age[z$age == "Y30-64"] <- "old"
names(z)[names(z) == "ths_per"] <- "ths"
z$y <- 1:18
my_range <- function(x) c(min = min(x), max = max(x))
out <- model_aggregate(z,
formula = ~age:year + geo,
sum_vars = c("y", "ths"),
fun_vars = c(sum = "ths", mean = "y", med = "y", ra = "ths"),
fun = c(sum = sum, mean = mean, med = median, ra = my_range))
# Limited output can be achieved by formula_selection
formula_selection(out, ~geo)
# Using the single unnamed variable feature.
model_aggregate(z, formula = ~age, fun_vars = "y",
fun = c(sum = sum, mean = mean, med = median, n = length))
# To illustrate list_return and pre_return
for (pre_return in c(FALSE, TRUE)) for (list_return in c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
cat("list_return =", list_return, ", pre_return =", pre_return, "\n\n")
out <- model_aggregate(z, formula = ~age:year,
sum_vars = c("ths", "y"),
fun_vars = c(mean = "y", ra = "y"),
fun = c(mean = mean, ra = my_range),
list_return = list_return,
pre_return = pre_return)
# To illustrate preagg_var
model_aggregate(z, formula = ~age:year,
sum_vars = c("ths", "y"),
fun_vars = c(mean = "y", ra = "y"),
fun = c(mean = mean, ra = my_range),
preagg_var = "eu",
pre_return = TRUE)[["pre_data"]]
# To illustrate hierarchies
geo_hier <- SSBtoolsData("sprt_emp_geoHier")
model_aggregate(z, hierarchies = list(age = "All", geo = geo_hier),
sum_vars = "y",
fun_vars = c(sum = "y"))
#### Special non-dummy cases illustrated below ####
# Extend the hierarchy to make non-dummy model matrix
geo_hier2 <- rbind(data.frame(mapsFrom = c("EU", "Spain"),
mapsTo = "EUandSpain", sign = 1), geo_hier[, -4])
# Warning since non-dummy
# y and y_sum are different
model_aggregate(z, hierarchies = list(age = "All", geo = geo_hier2),
sum_vars = "y",
fun_vars = c(sum = "y"))
# No warning since dummy since unionComplement = TRUE (see ?HierarchyCompute)
# y and y_sum are equal
model_aggregate(z, hierarchies = list(age = "All", geo = geo_hier2),
sum_vars = "y",
fun_vars = c(sum = "y"),
mm_args = list(unionComplement = TRUE))
# Non-dummy again, but no warning since dummy = FALSE
# Then pre_aggregate is by default set to FALSE (error when TRUE)
# fun with extra argument needed (see ?dummy_aggregate)
# y and y_sum2 are equal
model_aggregate(z, hierarchies = list(age = "All", geo = geo_hier2),
sum_vars = "y",
fun_vars = c(sum2 = "y"),
fun = c(sum2 = function(x, y) sum(x * y)),
dummy = FALSE)
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