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SSDM (version 0.2.8)

project: Project model into environment


This is a collection of methods to project SDMs, ESDMs or SSDMs into the supplied environment. The function is used internally to calculate the input for the projection slot of .SDM classes but can also be used to project existing .SDM objects (see Details).


project(obj, Env, ...)

# S4 method for Algorithm.SDM project(obj, Env, ...)

# S4 method for MAXENT.SDM project(obj, Env, ...)

# S4 method for Ensemble.SDM project(obj, Env, ...)

# S4 method for Stacked.SDM project(obj, Env, ...)


Either returns the original .SDM object with updated projection slots or if minimal.outputs = TRUE only returns the projections as Raster* objects. Depending on the object class this may be: a raster (Algorithm.SDM), a raster stack (Ensemble.SDM), a biodiversity map/mean raster (Stacked.SDM).



Object of class Algorithm.SDM, Ensemble.SDM or Stacked.SDM. Model(s) to be projected.


Raster stack. Updated environmental rasters to be used for projection.


Additional arguments for internal use.


The function uses any S4 .SDM class object and a raster stack of environmental layers of the variables the model was trained with.